View Full Version : You aint going to believe this shoddy workmanship.

3rd April 2017, 15:39
:laugher:Someone should be sacked on the spot for this gross negligence, heres a copy and paste, watch the vid..........

Have you EVER seen this kind of stupidity? Power pole in the road!
I came across this video today, and it will help explain a lot about the Philippines. This is one of the dumbest ....... things I have ever seen, but this is par for the course for the Philippines. The civil engineers may be the dumbest on the planet, this is proof. I don't trust anything they build, bridges, tunnels, even intersections and the setting up of traffic lights. They can't do anything right.

This stupidity is only outmatched by the population of incompetent and drunk drivers/riders. As if things weren't already dangerous enough, they have to add this to the list of possible threats you face while on the road.

Volume Alert*****but definitely a must watch for anyone that thinks they have seen stupid before, prepare to be inspired.

3rd April 2017, 16:10
Quite normal in Tag.B...Power poles in the road everywhere!!
They have been raising the roads by a good 5/6 feet in some parts..Now we have big trucks tearing down power lines!!
Told you it was more fun here!

3rd April 2017, 16:12
They raised the road in one section by about 15 foot... One house is now 15ft below the road and the car is still in the drive...Perhaps he is an OFW..
First thing he will need when he gets back is a crane!
You gotta laugh!!

3rd April 2017, 19:20
It would be so funny if it was not so dangerous .be interesting to know if those lights work.

Michael Parnham
4th April 2017, 07:46
If the one who planned this had another brain it would be lonely:Erm: