View Full Version : Grammar vigilante

3rd April 2017, 22:16
Arthur i am surprised you have not put this on here
I saw this on this morning news and i thought of you and then i forgot about this.
But it has just popped up again.


3rd April 2017, 22:55

4th April 2017, 01:25
Grammar vigilanty writing wrongs all over scotland.

4th April 2017, 07:37
Grammar vigilanty writing wrongs all over Scotland.

Very good :icon_lol:

I fixed it for you as well :wink:

Michael Parnham
4th April 2017, 07:41
Like it,:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
4th April 2017, 15:01
Arthur, i am surprised you have not put this on here.
I saw this on this morning's news and i thought of you and then i forgot about this.
But it has just popped up again.


:icon_lol: ... well-spotted, Steve! Thorough and pedantic as I tend to be - especially about the correct presentation of written/typed/printed communication - I'd obviously missed this article to which you've drawn my attention! :biggrin:

6th April 2017, 06:46
:icon_lol: ... well spotted, Steve! Thorough and pedantic as I tend to be - especially about the correct presentation of written/typed/printed communication. I'd obviously missed this article to which you've drawn my attention! :biggrin:

There, that's better. No need for hyphens what so ever :icon_lol:

6th April 2017, 07:17
There, that's better. No need for hyphens what so ever :icon_lol:
