View Full Version : 6 migrant's pulled from the English channel from there sinking bost

4th April 2017, 12:36
Six lucky people was rescued from the channel when there boat started to sink.
I wonder how many others have made the journey before and have made land.
I am betting thousands.

Harry T
4th April 2017, 14:33
I reckon they should re-direct them down to the Faulklands, we are overcrowded as it is, especially when some of us legally cant bring our loved ones here, yet these people continue to illegally come to the UK..

4th April 2017, 14:46
I reckon they should re-direct them down to the Faulklands, we are overcrowded as it is, especially when some of us legally cant bring our loved ones here, yet these people continue to illegally come to the UK..

These folk travel hundreds and thousands of miles , passing through many wonderful countries on there way, so why don't they stop of at the first free country where there is no wars ,where they will not be killed for speaking out loud and maybe they where welcome too.
It's a funny place sometimes our planet.

4th April 2017, 15:48
Have you seen the illegal immigrants and visa over stayers leaving the Sates and entering Canada? apparently they get accommodation and the usual goodies that we tend to give....

4th April 2017, 18:35
Have you seen the illegal immigrants and visa over stayers leaving the Sates and entering Canada? apparently they get accommodation and the usual goodies that we tend to give....

It's a good job there is a larger sea between us and the states else they will be coming here then

5th April 2017, 07:35
I always wondered why the calais jungle mob sat around d trying to sneak onto lorries and similar, they sat and tried night after night, sometimes for years, if it was me my first move would have been move up the coast slightly, nick a boat, and set sail for Blighty,the land of milk and honey.

5th April 2017, 07:59
I always wondered why the calais jungle mob sat around d trying to sneak onto lorries and similar, they sat and tried night after night, sometimes for years, if it was me my first move would have been move up the coast slightly, nick a boat, and set sail for Blighty,the land of milk and honey.

I have been saying this for years, i wonder how many have made this trip.

5th April 2017, 08:34
Many thousands, just check out your local car wash and kebab places.... :furious3:

5th April 2017, 08:54
Many thousands, just check out your local car wash and kebab places.... :furious3:

Yes indeed, but they do make a great job of cleaning the car