View Full Version : Work work work and more work

4th April 2017, 20:13
You have to lucky or old not to need any sort of work to help pay your bills and have fun, or just a lazy sod who lives on benefits i must add.
I am a sort of person who says it how it is and being like this i have been called a few names behind my back and indeed being called a mard .... too because i cant have my own way.
These folk do not realist its not my way its for the company and just like them i have to answer to people higher then me, but just lately its getting a lot easy to just say sod it.
But i am not ready to lose so much that i can put away just for the sake of some peope who think they can get away with doing less work.
I can understand the owners that when i leave these people will be trying to take over my role so they have to learn but they dont want to learn but to do it there way.
Tomorrow is going to be a day of reckoning as i know they have been going on a go slow these last few weeks because we have changed there shift hours and they dont like it, but we all have to do things we dont like sometimes.
I feel i dont need this stress anymore so what have i got to loose really .
I must add thank you for looking:yawn::yawn: and if you do reply thank you for reading it too.:biggrin:

5th April 2017, 00:26
Reminds me of...


Determined it would never happen to me.

5th April 2017, 07:38
I always told my kid from a young age work smarter not harder, for him the more you learn the more you earn is a truisms realized in my late 20's that the average 9-5'er isn't going to enjoy life to the max, working till the grave.

5th April 2017, 07:48
Well i just hope my grave or the oven is nowhere in site for me just yet, only a few more pay months not pay years left.
My daughter says she will be working till she is in her 70s before a state pension comes her way, now that is frightening .

5th April 2017, 07:52
Reminds me of...


Determined it would never happen to me.

Never seen this Fred, but i have felt it.

5th April 2017, 13:58
All sorted and all done, just one person trying to stay the same but he will have to fall in line, as he says he is finishing work in 3 years time so why has he to change,
Trying to explain this is for the long term even after i have gone too, but he is all for himself, i bet you he will come back in a few days with his plan on what he thinks he should do.

Harry T
5th April 2017, 16:14
Put simply do we live to work, or work to live ? Iv always been one of the latter, if i didnt like what my Employer was doing or it didnt fit with my lifestyle i simply changed jobs, thats not to say i didnt understand why things have to change its simply that i didnt/dont live to work.. while its admirable that you have bettered yourself Steve by staying with your employer for so long, thats not something that i have never been able to do, dont get me wrong wherever i have worked i have given 100%, and in many instances much more than that, double shifts, worked 24 hours continually, worked 7 weeks x 12 hour night shifts without a night off, put simply whatever Iv earned Iv earned, because again in this life no-one ever knocked my door and said here you are H, here,s something for nothing.

5th April 2017, 18:32
Put simply do we live to work, or work to live ? Iv always been one of the latter, if i didnt like what my Employer was doing or it didnt fit with my lifestyle i simply changed jobs, thats not to say i didnt understand why things have to change its simply that i didnt/dont live to work.. while its admirable that you have bettered yourself Steve by staying with your employer for so long, thats not something that i have never been able to do, dont get me wrong wherever i have worked i have given 100%, and in many instances much more than that, double shifts, worked 24 hours continually, worked 7 weeks x 12 hour night shifts without a night off, put simply whatever Iv earned Iv earned, because again in this life no-one ever knocked my door and said here you are H, here,s something for nothing.

It's nice to think what is yours you have earned​ but a little extra like a lotto win would be great,
Commitment to a company does not work this day and age plus i am to old to change my ways after nearly 40 years in the same job.
It pays well but money is not everything.

5th April 2017, 23:17
No one ever lay on their death bed and thought "Oh,i wish I had earned an extra quid or put in an extra shift back in 1986 on that weekend when I was offered it" :biggrin: but times are changing, overpopulated planet,increaing workforce, more competition for jobs, this current generation will find tough times ahead :cwm25:

6th April 2017, 09:00
Times are changing indeed.
I am telling my kids save save save fill your pension pot and buy shares in your company too at discount rates.
Start young ,i wish i was given this adviced and took it too.

6th April 2017, 11:03
Yup,i am trying to build a small property portfolio for my kid i don't want him to struggle the way I did at his age :bigcry:

6th April 2017, 14:57
Yup,i am trying to build a small property portfolio for my kid i don't want him to struggle the way I did at his age :bigcry:

My daughter will be having the house i brought but not for free.
No interest on a loan but it will be cheap and even cheaper if i pop my cloggs sooner then later.