View Full Version : Loose Talk, Chat and Off Topic

4th April 2017, 20:31
As the title says its all there , chatting away , loose talking and topics too.
You just need someone to read and reply to what people say, but this is where sometimes it becomes very hard.
Life can become so boring doing the same thing day in day out writing about the same thing every day too, but sometimes something may just jump out and someone may say " yes i will reply to that".
When do people stop talking to each other and then just start talking to themselves do you think, or does it come on slow and before you know it you have been talking to yourself for many days even weeks and soon you realize you are alone
Is that the day you stop talking to others because all you have been doing all this time is talking to yourself,

4th April 2017, 21:17
Pardon :wink:

5th April 2017, 00:21

5th April 2017, 08:14

Mirror mirror on the wall who s the fairest of them all,:action-smiley-081: