View Full Version : Blah Blah Blah

6th April 2017, 08:10
Blah blah blah and on it goes, but there is a time and a place to have words with out showing yourself up.
Seems like these folk got carried away with there thoughts about what may or may not happen.
I was once queuing to get onto a plane and this kid was running up and down and his owner was way back in the queue and i said go back to you "thing " or you might get lost.
Well that was it, this filth and her gob started throwing crap my way about dont dare speak to her son and so on, but not one person jumped in, everyone else just looked away.
I said my peace but it was one of those moments where you think" what the hell had just happened".


6th April 2017, 11:01
Gibraltarians just don't like Spanish at all :biggrin:

6th April 2017, 14:54
Gibraltarians just don't like Spanish at all :biggrin:

I know the feeling.:cwm25: