View Full Version : Moving Server - 6PM'ish

6th April 2017, 12:35
Due to ongoing annoying issues with this new server :cwm3:, I will move the site to a new one at around 6pm, or more accurately, after the last race at Aintree :icon_lol:

I moved to a new server only a few weeks ago, but this current one uses the Plesk control panel. It does not seem to work well with large forums, as I have discovered. So, we are all moving back to CPanel (not that you lot care :biggrin:).

Everything has already been moved, I just need to copy the latest database, and redirect the DNS. The copying only takes about 5 minutes, as I have done a couple of dry runs. The latter can take between a few minutes to an hour or two, as it depends on how often your IP updates it's DNS records.

After this move, the forum should be back to being quicker and more stable. If it isn't, you will find me dribbling in a corner, sticking pins in a small doll that looks like Trump. :Rasp:

Arthur Little
6th April 2017, 13:10
Thank you for the prior notification ... ALL of us here really do appreciate your hard work on our behalf! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th April 2017, 14:48
Thanks Keith,
On the subject of dribbling now you have mentioned it, i too have found there are times I may dribble a little no matter how much i shake it, will tena for men help do you think, or just wear thicker underwear.

6th April 2017, 16:06
Tena are great. A woman can use them by rolling them up....

6th April 2017, 18:19
Great news Keith...
Much better doll here to stick your pins in if it all goes P.S!!

6th April 2017, 18:22

We've moved already :)

6th April 2017, 19:54
Tena are great. A woman can use them by rolling them up....

A fiver is better,:xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th April 2017, 19:55

We've moved already :)

Just like the wife says, "That was quick ". thank you

10th April 2017, 20:50
Is the server running better since we moved?

10th April 2017, 20:55
Is the server running better since we moved?

Running great,
Sunday seemed to be slow and a few times my post did not seem to go on, but later it was there, nut that could be my end.
Other then that , sweet.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
11th April 2017, 06:38
The Forum works very satisfactory, thank you Keith :xxgrinning--00xx3: