View Full Version : E cigarettes

6th April 2017, 21:16
These E cigarettes things where you have all this vapor stuff, as you can see i am not a smoker and i dont know nothing about these either.
Anyway i was at these traffic lights waiting behind this car and suddenly there was all this sort of smoke coming from this one person who was sitting at the drivers side, right across the window screen and it nearly filled the cars inside up.
The lights changed and of he went.
I must admit i thought how could he see trough all this stuff, it did soon all disappear but what would happen if there was a few people smoking these in the car.
Is there anyone on here who users these things .

Harry T
6th April 2017, 22:26
Im on them Steve, but i only use them when i get the urge to smoke, and i dont take it out with me, but yes you are correct there is much more vapour than the usual cigarette smoke..

Arthur Little
6th April 2017, 23:04
Im on them Steve, but i only use them when i get the urge to smoke, and i dont take it out with me,

You appear to be still managing to stay off the "real" fags ... :anerikke: ... I take it then, Harry? Well done you! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th April 2017, 19:35
Im on them Steve, but i only use them when i get the urge to smoke, and i dont take it out with me, but yes you are correct there is much more vapour than the usual cigarette smoke..

Was this you i wonder Harry as i was passing this chap in Bournemouth.

http://i1123.photobucket.com/albums/l554/stevewool/17793190_10154758833277013_693672710_n_zps5syyeluo.jpg (http://s1123.photobucket.com/user/stevewool/media/17793190_10154758833277013_693672710_n_zps5syyeluo.jpg.html)