View Full Version : Is this the start of world war 3

7th April 2017, 07:01
Something had to be done to stop this but what.


7th April 2017, 08:33
It should have been stopped years ago but our friends in Labour voted against it...

7th April 2017, 09:13
Kill kids with chemicals then you cross the red line...Not Obama`s "red line"...Trumps red line..
Brits were told..Russians were warned before strike..I bet those ruskies were up there with Usain Bolts world record time getting off that airfield!!:icon_lol:

7th April 2017, 09:52
It should have been stopped years ago but our friends in Labour voted against it...

Never should happy in a so called modern society, but is that the problem they are back in the middle ages.

7th April 2017, 09:53
Kill kids with chemicals then you cross the red line...Not Obama`s "red line"...Trumps red line..
Brits were told..Russians were warned before strike..I bet those ruskies were up there with Usain Bolts world record time getting off that airfield!!:icon_lol:

This will either make trump great or Finnish him, i do hope it makes him one of the greatest there has ever been.

7th April 2017, 10:26
Trump has balls, simple as, most are all talk no action, words are cheaply truly hope Trump stands out as someone history remembers in a positive light like Churchill.

7th April 2017, 13:03
it isnt trump or the us thats doing it, its those above them, bankers/ ect , rothchild goverments are only puppets

Harry T
7th April 2017, 17:53
it isnt trump or the us thats doing it, its those above them, bankers/ ect , rothchild goverments are only puppets

Thats what an old work colleague of mine believed to, but where does China fit in that theory ?.

7th April 2017, 23:31
it isnt trump or the us thats doing it, its those above them, bankers/ ect , rothchild goverments are only puppets

Normally,I`d agree with you BUT,I seriously doubt that the bankers had any idea about Trump and Brexit..
That wasn't as they planned it.
Trust me..They aint happy..You can witness their displeasure every day in their news papers and news channels daily.
This was Trump`s doing..Full stop IMO.

8th April 2017, 07:31
Normally,I`d agree with you BUT,I seriously doubt that the bankers had any idea about Trump and Brexit..
That wasn't as they planned it.
Trust me..They aint happy..You can witness their displeasure every day in their news papers and news channels daily.
This was Trump`s doing..Full stop IMO.

Power to the people is what had ruined it for the bankers.
Stand in line and do what we suggest not what you want to do yourself, Trump and Bretix was not even thought off ( oh the silly people ) they have ruined us all.