View Full Version : Accidents do happen

7th April 2017, 08:15
Accidents can happen any time but when does a accident become your own fault and its totally down to that person .
Yesterday we had a phone call fro a driver then from the store person where he was doing a collection.
This driver had fallen from the back of the lorry onto the ground and it seems he is injured.
He was taken to hospital and after a few hours there he was allowed to be sent home, we sent a car to collect hime and his injuries are , cracked rib, broken wrist and cuts to his head and arms.
He is ok other then these injuries but who is to blame.
There are laws in may places that you go to now that you are not allowed out of your vehicle and not allowed to climb onto the back of your vehicle with out a step to help you.
We dont know what really happened until we har today from the company and the driver himself , a accident can turn into something very nasy these days, the main thing is no one was killed .