View Full Version : Stockholm Attack

8th April 2017, 07:18
Another attack i a major city in Europe, and again a everyday vehicle was used.
The lorry was taken it seems but with what has been happening just lately why was this not put on full alert to find no matter what.
Did the driver leave the keys in , was the door lock on the cab, so many questions need to be answered.
All our drivers must have the cab locked once they leave the cab and never leave the keys in the vehicle if they get out, plus this day and age most vehicles have trackers fitted .

8th April 2017, 07:31
Invite rats into your home,make them feel welcome, then don't be surprised when they cause damage :wink:

8th April 2017, 07:34
Invite rats into your home,make them feel welcome, then don't be surprised when they cause damage :wink:

So true in what you say and in what many are thinking.

8th April 2017, 07:42
It is true, left-wing hand wringers won't like the rat/vermin analogy BUT many radicalized muzzies slipped into europe during the great german free-for-all invite, sleepers,just biding their time, its only just begun, give them time to think up something really special to hit us with :NoNo: