View Full Version : Huge fire destroyed a migrants camp

11th April 2017, 11:20
The biggest migrant camp near Dunkirk was destroyed by fire , some 300 huts housing over 1500 people was burnt to the ground.
Seems it all started by Kurds and afghans fighting, and they all want to here, thank god for that stretch of water that seems to be holding so many back i say.
If they can't live together where they are why should we care for them.
Just my own thoughts on this matter maybe.

11th April 2017, 12:21
They are in a safe country,France,beggars cant be choosers,they cant be allowed to cherry pick where they want to settle as economic migrants,thank f*** for the channel.

11th April 2017, 13:46
Free movement of people is what the EU would like, more like everyone moves to England, i wonder why

Arthur Little
11th April 2017, 17:42
Free movement of people is what the EU would like, more like everyone moves to England, i wonder why?

I wonder WHY too ... when much of the *land North of the Scottish Border - apart from *its thicky-populated industrial central belt is a darn sight less congested. :biggrin:

But then ... :anerikke: ... you won't catch me complaining! :wink:

11th April 2017, 17:50
I wonder WHY too ... when much of the *land North of the Scottish Border - apart from *its thicky-populated industrial central belt is a darn sight less congested. :biggrin:

But then ... :anerikke: ... you won't catch me complaining! :wink:

BENEFITS i think is the answer Arthur

Arthur Little
11th April 2017, 20:37
BENEFITS i think is the answer Arthur

:poke: ... "benefits" (so~called) are payable at the same rate(s) throughout :Britain:!

Michael Parnham
12th April 2017, 05:41
Nowhere better than the UK:xxgrinning--00xx3:

12th April 2017, 06:58
Nowhere better than the UK:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Whenever anyone back in blighty moans about the UK I always tell them X-amount of million immigrants cant all be wrong when they arrived on UK shores :wink:

12th April 2017, 07:54
Nowhere better than the UK:xxgrinning--00xx3:

i am sure there is, but if you are claiming any sort of benifits and are wanting medical treatment well you are right about these things.

12th April 2017, 07:55
Whenever anyone back in blighty moans about the UK I always tell them X-amount of million immigrants cant all be wrong when they arrived on UK shores :wink:

Working class it's hard to get by, but it's down to each of us to better ourselves and our futures, now if that is here or somewhere else.you just have to make the best of it.

12th April 2017, 11:38
You can't blame some of them for wanting to better themselves and they work hard and pay their way, but for the ones who just want our benefits and then don't accept our way of life, well they can co-co.....:Wave:

12th April 2017, 12:03
You can't blame some of them for wanting to better themselves and they work hard and pay their way, but for the ones who just want our benefits and then don't accept our way of life, well they can co-co.....:Wave:

You are so right, what would you or I do if you was in there situation and you wanted the best for you or your family.

12th April 2017, 14:26
You are so right, what would you or I do if you was in there situation and you wanted the best for you or your family.
If I wanted the best for my family I wouldn't leave them in Syria in a conflict zone nor Kabul either while I waited on the offchance sometimes for years of crossing the channel,i would bring them with me and claim asylum in the first safe haven :wink: or I would have an education,and lets face it some of them pay thousands to get here,i have been to third world countries,lower class people don't have those funds so the people coming are maybe middle class,they should go through the proper channels otherwise they aren't our problem and a burden on the taxpaying public.

12th April 2017, 17:23
Doesn't stop the buggers breeding does it !

'Let's have a baby and rear it in a war-zone instead of wearing a condom' .

I have noooo sympathy for these parasites and wasters. :mad: