View Full Version : I learned my lesson now

3rd January 2008, 20:05
Its really painful hoping too much dreaming for a good future with the man you love then all of a sudden everything will turns into a complete disaster.
I received a text message from my ex-boyfriend today telling me that he's into a massive thinking AGAIN of coming here. He said he doesnt want to spend alot of money without any assurance that i will be granted a visa.

He's been doubting that i will not be able to get a visa
Kuya Dom, i agree with your assessment why he's been putting all the efforts in my shoulders.
He always keeps telling me about the money that he's going to spend visiting me here. I never asked him a single amount of money. And i keep on telling him beware of this girls directly offering him marriage they just want his money. But instead of listening he's still chatting with them.
He finally made his decisions of not coming here, its because he gives much importance on his MONEY. This experience taught for not "HOPING TOO MUCH".
Ate shelly, thanks for all your advices me. For all your support.
Thanks to all of you guys for extending ur knowledge and for all the inputs that you had shared.

3rd January 2008, 20:11
Sorry to hear this Jaywin - I agreed with Aromulus in the first place - it seemed 'dodgy.'

Take comfort in 2 things:

1. You are a member of the BEST site!!

2. You WILL find someone worthy. :)


3rd January 2008, 20:52
Your a very attractive girl Jaywin, you'll find someone else in a flash! I'm sorry things turned out to be disapointing for you, are you still interested in finding a British man? Remember, you've got friends in Britain now!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd January 2008, 21:06
hi jaywin sorry to hear about that, but let put it this way .... atleast you know him better :Erm: imagine if you marry this guy and he doesnt wanna spend money on you :doh and fiancee visa you cant work for 6 months, spouse visa you cant have public funds :NoNo: how will you deal with it living in brit, if he doesnt wanna spend money on you.

sis its his lost not yours, like you said he still talks to other girls, i dont think its a good sign to be with him and even plan your futures with him. you can still find descent, sincere, honest and loving man.

hey like some people say love is trial and error, most is error until you really found the right one for you. Good luck and be positive on all things sis.

3rd January 2008, 21:11
Hang around Jaywin and well done it takes a lot of courage to come on here and admit you may have made a mistake. Most of us have made far more than you will ever do (well at least my wife keeps telling me i did that wrong, this wrong:Brick:)

I hope you stay with the site, as all of us together make it a great place to hang out:)

3rd January 2008, 21:27
thank you guys for your "WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT". Thats why i came on here immediately after i received his message. If im going to count how many times he told thats hes not coming here maybe its 5 times already. Hes doesnt know how to stick with his word.
I will always be here in this site. I treat you all guys as my family since i am alone here in Israel.
to answer your question nigel if i still want a british man, definitely yes. Based on what i had read about the british man who are members here. And i really admired all of you for being devoted to your partner. I just met a wrong person.

3rd January 2008, 21:38
We're not all English here...

3rd January 2008, 22:08
I feel for you Jaywin, at least you have found out the real him before it's too late!
Cheer up pretty lady, you deserve more and I am sure you will find Mr Right!

3rd January 2008, 22:13
Im sorry to hear that Jaywin i still hope everything will be alright

3rd January 2008, 23:12
We're not all English here...

Bonjour :D Is that better? :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Jaywin, seems like the guy is looking for an easy girl to give him an easy life. Probably thinks a Filipina is cheaper long term than a dishwasher.....we know different don't we guys? How much do they really cost? :yikes: :omg: :yikes: :icon_lol:

Anyway, stay in Israel if your employer is OK. Easier to get a visa with the next bloke that drools over you. :) (Not Mancs though, when they drool it usually mean Rabies :laugher:)

3rd January 2008, 23:37
Hey I bought a diswasher!! If I marry a filipina I don't need it?:icon_lol: haha Too late I already bought it!:xxgrinning--00xx3: Which means we can spend more time watching tv! Like..Big Brother for example..:NoNo:

3rd January 2008, 23:50
I have a dishwasher and a Filipina. She's using the dishwasher so she can spend more time watching soap operas... (on the TV, not the dishwasher).

3rd January 2008, 23:56
You mean I can't get BBC2 on my dishwasher? I thought technology was getting better these days..:Erm:

4th January 2008, 00:09
thank you guys for your "WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT". Thats why i came on here immediately after i received his message. If im going to count how many times he told thats hes not coming here maybe its 5 times already. Hes doesnt know how to stick with his word.
I will always be here in this site. I treat you all guys as my family since i am alone here in Israel.
to answer your question nigel if i still want a british man, definitely yes. Based on what i had read about the british man who are members here. And i really admired all of you for being devoted to your partner. I just met a wrong person.

I am not getting any pleasure in having been sort of correct with my initial assessment.

But looking at the bright side, you are a lovely looking, genuine and warm person, soon enough you will find the right person that will stand by you.

Please don't be disheartened by this experience, but count your blessings for not having taken the relationship any further.
Having done so, you might have regretted it, as the man doesn't seem to have any kind of backbone or willingness to go for what he wants.
Taking risks is a large part of any LDR in my mind.

Originally it seemed very odd that the guy wasn't doing anything to help, but leaving every initiative to you.
Sure sign of a big red flag. :cwm23:
I kept quiet as long as I could, but then I had to mention something, sincerely hoping that I was wrong in my estimate.:NoNo:

Stay with us, with the forum. Enjoy the friendships that you will make here, you are amongst people that care.:cwm38:

Your mahal is out there, somewhere, only that he doesn't know it yet........:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th January 2008, 02:29
We're not all English here...

yes there's a lot of foreigners on here :yikes: and i don't mean scousers doing work for cash :D welsh, Irish and scotish :NoNo:, even reports of Italians :yikes:


as for the dish washer, apart from the wife, i don't have one .. we just let the dog lick the dishes clean, then the wife washes them ,, showroom shine :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Pepe n Pilar
4th January 2008, 03:46
Hi Jaywin,
I agree with Tiggers0608 and Aromulus comments. I was contemplating on telling you to wait and in God's time you will meet Mr. Right. When i read your thread i was taken aback when you said he doesn't want to spend money as there is no assurance of you getting a visa. How can he say that if he doesn't try? Love knows no boundaries.. It seems that you alone are doing much effort on your relationship. We also have to consider our partner's financial status. If we can be of help why not? but in your case while you are concentrating on it, he is still chatting with some girls and still tells you that one or some? are offering him marriage. You're now in the stage of meeting each other so it is just normal if he sends you longer messages as these will be submitted as one of your documents in filing for the visa.
In due time, i'm pretty sure you'll meet Mr. Right. You are a nice and wonderful lady who deserves to be loved and cared about by a sincere man.
Best of luck.....:)

4th January 2008, 14:11
hi Weng,

I am sorry to hear the news, but all of our friends here have said, Life must go on..be glad that u get to know him as early as now even before ur feelings for him has developed more deeply..

Dont be sad, I am sure right now God is working on his plan for u..
Remember, if God closes the door he always open the window..Cheer up sis..

4th January 2008, 14:32
....if God closes the door he always open the window..Cheer up sis..

He's a burglar? :cwm24:

6th January 2008, 12:41
Don't be sad, Jaywin. Your ex doesn't deserve to have a woman like you. It's good that you have seen his true color. Just move on... The right man will surely come along... Sometimes, we just learn our lessons the hard way, but the important thing is our ability to move on and not do the same mistake again.

God bless you!

7th January 2008, 10:58

Like other says MOVE ON…..and always look forward for tomorrow coz it can only get BETTER…:)


7th January 2008, 12:03
'If it's meant to be - it will be' is a line that gives me some comfort at times like this.

Hang in there - good people are always ok in the end.

8th January 2008, 11:03
Hi Jaywin,
Try to look at the good side, at least you found out his true color even before more seroius things happened between you. A lot of relationships fell out after living together for years and years and can you imagine the damaged and heartaches it cause. At least with your experienced you can still walk head up high and proud of yourself, you still got your intact dignity. Just move on and look at the other side of the river and you will see more good things waiting for you. I wish you all the best. Cheer up!

8th January 2008, 21:10
hi jaywin,
i,ve seen the good side and the bad side of a relationship with distance between two people, and if a man is not prepaered to spend money to visit you or call you up unless you have a visa keep away from him, let him stay at home and count his money thats if he has any, i now money is,nt everything but a giving heart is, *good luck*

22nd January 2008, 09:36
hi jaywin,

never see u posting on the forum..u busy?? or just heeling heart ache ..and hows the kisses that i give u? did u get any sweet one hehehe:icon_lol:

22nd January 2008, 14:33
Its really painful hoping too much then all of a sudden it turns into a bad thing.
I received a text message from my ex-boyfriend today telling me that he's into a massive thinking AGAIN of coming here. He said he doesnt want to spend alot of money without any assurance that i will be granted a visa.
He only sending me short messages up to 3 sentences. Telling me "hello dear,im online. Keep checking if ur online." thats why i told him make ur messages a bit longer so he just add 2 sentences only.
He's been doubting that i will not be able to get a visa, how can i do that if a simple things making his messages a bit longer, he cant even do. Aromulus is true telling me why he's been putting all the efforts in my shoulders.
He always keeps telling me about the money that he's going to spend visiting me here. I never asked him a single amount of money. And i keep on telling him beware of this girls directly offering u marriage they just want your money. But then,he's still chatting with them.
He's finally made his decisions of not coming, its because he gives much importance on his MONEY. This experience had teached me a lesson for not "HOPING TOO MUCH".
Ate shelly, thanks for all your advices me. For all your support.
Thanks to all of you guys for extending ur knowledge and for all the inputs that you had shared.

pls dont worry, me to after 3 and half years i ask my gf to marry me and she said yes then she says she is,nt sure abouy wedding :Brick: as we say in england thers plenty more fish in the sea, unles its cod your after lol
i dont think he is worthy of you but never give up hope sometimes it is all we have left good luck

22nd January 2008, 14:43
Thank you guys.Im very lucky having a true friends here that i can lean on.
Juliet,the kisses works and im very careful this time in giving my heart to somebody.

22nd January 2008, 14:45
Thank you guys.Im very lucky having a true friends here that i can lean on.
Juliet,the kisses works and im very careful this time in giving my heart to somebody.

Find someone who live in NW England or N Wales....that way if they annoy you I'll send the boyz round :xxmixed-smiley-017:

22nd January 2008, 15:07
Find someone who live in NW England or N Wales....that way if they annoy you I'll send the boyz round :xxmixed-smiley-017:

as long as its not on a match day, some times lillypud fc have to try to 'play' football :D

22nd January 2008, 15:11
Find someone who live in NW England or N Wales....that way if they annoy you I'll send the boyz round :xxmixed-smiley-017:

boss keith,do u have someone 2 recommend to me.:ARsurrender:

22nd January 2008, 15:21
Hi jaywin,

As one of the post said..."there are many fishes in the ocean"... I know you can find a better guy.

boss keith,do u have someone 2 recommend to me.:ARsurrender:

nice question...:D the admin might help...:icon_lol:
Good luck Jaywin.

22nd January 2008, 16:09
boss keith,do u have someone 2 recommend to me.:ARsurrender:

Not yet.

22nd January 2008, 18:14
Hmmmm wow congratulation jaywin.....and to u too juliet :bigcry: