View Full Version : Paying rent for the place you live

11th April 2017, 13:52
Some of us own our homes and some are still paying a mortgage for them too.
But what about the folk who rent all there lives.
Now if it's a local council house am i right in saying you are safer in one of these, a house for life sort of thing.
Compare to renting in the private sector if you don't pay your rent well you are out.
So is council better can you pay the outstanding rent like you did years ago.
Plus what happens when you become retired do you still have the full rent to pay from you pension or savings.
And what would happen if you did not pay to the council the rent, would they throw you out but then rehouse you somewhere else.

Harry T
11th April 2017, 14:35
Sorry Steve mate no such thing as a house for life nowadays, the dreaded Bedroom Tax has put paid to that.

11th April 2017, 14:42
A friend who lived with his mum for years and years, well she died and he thought he would have had the house, it's council, but as it's a three bedroom​ place.
Well they told him he will have to give it up.
He has a new bungalow and he loves it,