View Full Version : Terrorists on Bohol ?

Harry T
11th April 2017, 18:07
An old fb friend of mine tells me she cant sleep because of Gunfire and sounds of Bombs from neighbouring towns, she lives on Bohol, she sent me this video.



Seems like something has been kicking off all day, and into the night.

11th April 2017, 18:22
Frightening times,
Its amazing how many people can hide behind that 1 tree.
Hopefully Fred may shed a little more light on these matters .

Harry T
11th April 2017, 18:31
Well its the first Iv heard anything about terrorists on Bohol, but as i said Steve my friend is still awake and its what getting towards 2-00am now, she can still hear Gunfire.. looks like she is right Steve according to this report..


11th April 2017, 18:35
A friend also posted a picture about Bohol , but i thought she was messing about about bombs being dropped .

11th April 2017, 18:36
Tawi2 has started a thread about some trouble over there too

Michael Parnham
12th April 2017, 05:31
Also problems in Siquijor, according to family not good at the moment!

12th April 2017, 07:07
Also problems in Siquijor, according to family not good at the moment!

Michael,i heard about the siquijodnon kidnap plot several weeks ago but originally dismissed it as island rumour,in light of current events maybe theres substance to it after all :cwm25: I have sent my sis a txt telling her to stay in Cebu,better safe than sorry :cwm25:

12th April 2017, 09:46
Nice holiday Pic of a terrorist leader on his first day out in Bohol..


SANDAKAN: A bloodied photograph of dead Abu Sayyaf leader Abu Rami was released by Philippines security forces, confirming that he was killed in Bohol, central Philippines.
Abu Rami (pic) - the alias of Muamar Askali - was among the Abu Sayyaf gunmen who were high on the wanted list in Malaysia and Philippines
The photograph also showed an IS flag pinned on his chest.

Read more at http://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2017/04/12/bloodied-photograph-of-dead-abu-sayyaf-leader-released/#JYo8Q7AIDryOJM0y.99

12th April 2017, 10:10
Nice holiday Pic of a terrorist leader on his first day out in Bohol..


SANDAKAN: A bloodied photograph of dead Abu Sayyaf leader Abu Rami was released by Philippines security forces, confirming that he was killed in Bohol, central Philippines.
Abu Rami (pic) - the alias of Muamar Askali - was among the Abu Sayyaf gunmen who were high on the wanted list in Malaysia and Philippines
The photograph also showed an IS flag pinned on his chest.

Read more at http://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2017/04/12/bloodied-photograph-of-dead-abu-sayyaf-leader-released/#JYo8Q7AIDryOJM0y.99

There should be more these pictures.

Arthur Little
12th April 2017, 10:18
Nice holiday Pic of a terrorist leader on his first day out in Bohol..


SANDAKAN: A bloodied photograph of dead Abu Sayyaf leader Abu Rami was released by Philippines security forces, confirming that he was killed in Bohol, central Philippines.
Abu Rami (pic) - the alias of Muamar Askali - was among the Abu Sayyaf gunmen who were high on the wanted list in Malaysia and Philippines
The photograph also showed an IS flag pinned on his chest.

Read more at http://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2017/04/12/bloodied-photograph-of-dead-abu-sayyaf-leader-released/#JYo8Q7AIDryOJM0y.99

Well ... :anerikke: ... he won't be doin' any more R(o)ami(n)' Ab(o)u(t)
........................ :yeahthat: 'IS' for sure! :biggrin:

12th April 2017, 10:37
Cant see the pic but I hope its suitably bloody,lets hope duterte changes his "Abu Sayyaf aren't criminals" stance,realises you cant hold peace talks with these people they need wiping out,talk is cheap,they only understand force.

12th April 2017, 13:14
Do unto those that do unto you, simple as that, well until those human rights folk gets involved.

12th April 2017, 14:28
Do unto those that do unto you, simple as that, well until those human rights folk gets involved.
Screw those lefty hand wringers,human rights should be for the victims of radical nutters like the guy in the pic :wink: he lived by the sword and thankfully died by the sword,his choice :smile:

12th April 2017, 15:21
Its a pity that terrorists immediate bloodline weren't wiped off the face of the planet,if they knew their mothers,fathers,siblings,wives and children weren't going to be around for long once their atrocities were commited it would make most of them think thrice :wink:

13th April 2017, 00:54
Its a pity that terrorists immediate bloodline weren't wiped off the face of the planet,if they knew their mothers,fathers,siblings,wives and children weren't going to be around for long once their atrocities were commited it would make most of them think thrice :wink:
Unfortunately not, their doctrine is very selfish and tells them that they are going to a better place.

13th April 2017, 01:17
Unfortunately not, their doctrine is very selfish and tells them that they are going to a better place.
I know,i have actually met a genuine common or garden variety suicide bomber before he blew himself to pieces.But I remember one of the wives of the London bus bombers being interviewed,she said her husband told her their daughter must be taken care of and have a good life,they still feel for their kids,its the martyrs who sacrifice themselves who believe they are getting the virgins.

Michael Parnham
13th April 2017, 06:45
Michael,i heard about the siquijodnon kidnap plot several weeks ago but originally dismissed it as island rumour,in light of current events maybe theres substance to it after all :cwm25: I have sent my sis a txt telling her to stay in Cebu,better safe than sorry :cwm25:

Wise thinking:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th April 2017, 06:11
Friday, 14 April 2017
Two wanted Abu Sayyaf leaders among 11 to give up

TAWAU: Two Abu Sayyaf leaders high on the Malaysian police wanted list are among 11 gunmen who have surrendered to the Philippine military in Tawi Tawi Islands.
Their surrender comes after Tuesday’s killing of their leader Muamar Askali @ Abu Rami in a gunbattle in Bohol.
The two are sub-leaders Berong Sariol @ Boy Master and Ben Saudi Dambong Sariol @ Boy Pangit, 39.
Both have been involved in kidnappings in Sabah and were directly involved in the April 2, 2014 abduction of Chinese tourist Gao Hua Yuan and Filipina Marcy Darawan at Singamata Resort in Semporna waters.

Read more at http://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2017/04/14/two-wanted-abu-sayyaf-leaders-among-11-to-give-up/#w46eHhSVsMtWlhIX.99

Michael Parnham
14th April 2017, 06:32
Thank you for the updates Fred, appreciated:xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th April 2017, 09:45
Never understand the ones who surrender,they shout and give it large about the paradisical virgin filled utopia but once the going gets tough they fold like a cheap towel,paradise doesn't sound or look so appealing when viewed down the business end of a barrel :icon_lol: