View Full Version : Your French pad

11th April 2017, 19:48
Here is another one on Ebay for sale, well that's if you like France that is


11th April 2017, 21:46
Yes that's one I put up previously, pity its a couple of years too early for us otherwise it would be a contender, perfect, a lake a gite and a large apartment above the barn...

12th April 2017, 00:28
That's a bargain,totally,the people I am flying with in a couple of weeks have their farm and airfield,the whole business up for sale for around £350K as the wife sadly has an illness and they are returning to the UK.That French place looks perfect,whats available in the Philippines for a similar price?

12th April 2017, 05:25
Yes that's one I put up previously, pity its a couple of years too early for us otherwise it would be a contender, perfect, a lake a gite and a large apartment above the barn...

I thought it was but i could not find the other thread.
Still a great bargain .

12th April 2017, 05:27
That's a bargain,totally,the people I am flying with in a couple of weeks have their farm and airfield,the whole business up for sale for around £350K as the wife sadly has an illness and they are returning to the UK.That French place looks perfect,whats available in the Philippines for a similar price?

Not looked at the Phils for anything around that price at all.
Its no more the £60,000 and thats dreaming really .

12th April 2017, 09:48
Here it is Steve...


12th April 2017, 09:57
Here it is Steve...


If only you had the cash, fancy having shares or half half or even a third:biggrin:

12th April 2017, 10:42
I've got the cash but my mattress would collapse if I took all the money out.....:icon_lol::icon_lol:

12th April 2017, 13:11
I've got the cash but my mattress would collapse if I took all the money out.....:icon_lol::icon_lol:

You could fill the mattress up with horse hair when you are over there.

12th April 2017, 14:07
Good thinking right we're off then, Oh no we can't, still have the youngest daughter in school.....:NoNo:

12th April 2017, 14:15
With me , i have no kids at school, grandkids i can talk over the internet, so what's holding me back.
I have enough cash, 58 years young .
I am so close to the target we had set in cash but another 2 years away from the date we had set to leave,
It's nice to dream and think let's do this, but when it comes down to it , well there is no going back.

12th April 2017, 15:41
Take a chance if you don't you may regret it later....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

12th April 2017, 15:43
Sometimes opportunity knocks at your door softly..........:wink:

12th April 2017, 17:11
Take a chance if you don't you may regret it later....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Emma is holding me to the plan we made in the beginning, i know deep down if push comes to shove we could go, but i dont want any i told you so, plus its got to be a joint decision all the way.

12th April 2017, 17:12
Sometimes opportunity knocks at your door softly..........:wink:

Was that you the other night, then ran off:yikes:

12th April 2017, 21:44
Another nice looking place , a little more work needed but a good price .


19th April 2017, 07:07
And yet another nice looking place, not to much money and a project too.
Could be a bargain for someone, then again it could be a nightmare too.


19th April 2017, 07:42
Wonder why they put no pics of the exterior?

19th April 2017, 07:49
Wonder why they put no pics of the exterior?

I was debating whether to ask a few questions.
Was it a old church or something, there is a small garden in the old pictures, but i cant get y head around the layout, why does it say you need a internal staircase to get into the garden from the other house.
It does look nice for the price and the quality is there too.

19th April 2017, 07:57
Some one mentioned what we could get for the equivalent in the Philippines so i was looking.
It all depends on where you would like to live so i have started around Bohol.
A shed would cost lots that includes the lot too.
A new 3 bedroom terraced very small would be around £40,000 on Panglao, and a nice new large house around £100,000.
I must add i have not got the £100000 and if i did i would not spend that much as i still have to convince Emma its a place where i think i wold like to be.
So with these prices i am coming around to renting long term.

19th April 2017, 08:34
I would certainly rent until I was happy with the location etc...

30th April 2017, 19:32
Lots,and I mean LOTS of bargains in rural france,i just looked in an estate agents window in Limoges :biggrin: Ok,this last week I have been staying in a fantastic farmhouse,the couple sold their 3 bed semi in Manchester and bought a dream life with the cash,a 65 acre French farm with lots of outbuildings ripe for conversion to gites,they are the only people I know with a 650 metre landing strip in the back garden :smile: One old lady in the village has just sold her house to move back to the UK,a really tastefull 3 bed,stuck on the market 18 months ago for 90,000 euros,the market is stale,she has just accepted an offer for 50,000 euros including all of her furniture :yikes: we took off each morning for an hour's flight tuition,landed at another strip where a few French pilots always made us coffee and had a chat,very laid back place,great people,i met a brit who is renting a few acres for 120 euros a year :cwm24: he grows 600+ kilos of chillies a year and sends them back to a hot chillie sauce manufacturer in the UK,loads of brits out here and loads of cheap land and properties,theres even an aldi in the local village,and a netto :Erm:

30th April 2017, 19:43
Lots,and I mean LOTS of bargains in rural france,i just looked in an estate agents window in Limoges :biggrin: Ok,this last week I have been staying in a fantastic farmhouse,the couple sold their 3 bed semi in Manchester and bought a dream life with the cash,a 65 acre French farm with lots of outbuildings ripe for conversion to gites,they are the only people I know with a 650 metre landing strip in the back garden :smile: One old lady in the village has just sold her house to move back to the UK,a really tastefull 3 bed,stuck on the market 18 months ago for 90,000 euros,the market is stale,she has just accepted an offer for 50,000 euros including all of her furniture :yikes: we took off each morning for an hour's flight tuition,landed at another strip where a few French pilots always made us coffee and had a chat,very laid back place,great people,i met a brit who is renting a few acres for 120 euros a year :cwm24: he grows 600+ kilos of chillies a year and sends them back to a hot chillie sauce manufacturer in the UK,loads of brits out here and loads of cheap land and properties,theres even an aldi in the local village,and a netto :Erm:

Sounds wonderful, so you brought a place for 50,000 euros then:biggrin:.
How did you get on with the flying.

30th April 2017, 19:50
I am still here,the flying is great,got my log book with another 10 hours in,life is good,theres a one bedroom house in the village for sale for 15,000 euros with a garden,one thing I have been told is always put a cheeky offer in because you just never know :smile:

30th April 2017, 19:59
I am still here,the flying is great,got my log book with another 10 hours in,life is good,theres a one bedroom house in the village for sale for 15,000 euros with a garden,one thing I have been told is always put a cheeky offer in because you just never know :smile:

Cheap as chips , and for a bolt hole you cant go wrong at those prices, its always best to go in cheap as once you have made the offer its hard to go cheaper.

30th April 2017, 20:12
Lots of very cheap properties here mate,with gardens,theres an old Scottish guy here got a real nice 2 bed with a bit of land and a nice large garage/outbuilding for 60,000,and I met a couple this morning from Yorkshire who sold up and bought a flooded quarry and house very cheap so he can turn it into a fishing lake.i can see the allure of living here,its UK with better weather,cheaper,and everyone says the French version of the NHS is far better with no waiting :smile:

30th April 2017, 20:16
Are there any signs form the locals about Bretix or is it sod that i am living the dream .:xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th April 2017, 20:25
The brits here aren't overly concerned about brexit mate,the elections last week were hardly mentioned,its an easy relaxed life and all of the French people I have met have been laid back and great,even went to dinner in a chateau the other evening,small 17 bedroom place :wink: its owned by a dutch lady who is friends with my instructor :smile:

30th April 2017, 20:34
All sounds very interesting and wonderful too.
I have never traveled that far down into France , and like you are saying if its a bargain i am after it may be worth the trip.

30th April 2017, 20:40
Limoges airport is tiny,one carousel squeezed in beside the immigration,you can actually reach your hand out and pluck your bag from the carousel as your waiting to show your passport,i did it :icon_lol: Lots of brits on the flight taking advantage of the cheap properties down here,the countryside at the moment reminds me of the north of England except the fields are smaller,lots of woodland and fields,i went for a walk along the road earlier,in a 30 minute walk two cars and one tractor passed me.

30th April 2017, 21:01
On right move while we are typing , so many different house designs and like you say prices too,

30th April 2017, 21:03
If your thinking of getting one try for a detached with a couple of acres,i have flown low over a number this week with nice swimming pools,it needn't cost a fortune.

30th April 2017, 21:27
We plan to move over there in the next 5/6 years time, it was initially going to be PI but it's too far from the 3 x kids and much better climate and way of life....:biggrin:

Arthur Little
30th April 2017, 22:53
We plan to move over there in the next 5/6 years time, it was initially going to be PI but it's too far from the 3 x kids and much better climate and way of life....:biggrin:

... better climate than ours, :iagree:! But don't you think the language might prove a barrier? Unless ... :anerikke: ... of course, you're fluent in at least, conversational French. :biggrin:

1st May 2017, 06:41
Language is fairly easy,my French is basic schoolboy but I found myself picking up the odd word,the guy who is my instructor learnt 80% French in 6 months,where theres a will theres a way :smile:

1st May 2017, 07:23
We plan to move over there in the next 5/6 years time, it was initially going to be PI but it's too far from the 3 x kids and much better climate and way of life....:biggrin:

2 years and maybe lower for our plans , now where is home going to be :Erm::Erm::Erm::Erm:

1st May 2017, 07:24
... better climate than ours, :iagree:! But don't you think the language might prove a barrier? Unless ... :anerikke: ... of course, you're fluent in at least, conversational French. :biggrin:

Like anything once you are there it will be easy to pick the language up, plus Emma is very good at speaking French and a good few other languages .

1st May 2017, 10:08
When I said better climate I meant compared to the PI. The wife started french lessons last week and once she has caught up to my level we will continue together. On our many visits to France we found that if you attempt to speak the lingo the locals will help you. We sometimes don't appreciate how talented our wives are at languages, they all speak at least 3, Tagalog, local dialect an English....

1st May 2017, 12:23
When I said better climate I meant compared to the PI. The wife started french lessons last week and once she has caught up to my level we will continue together. On our many visits to France we found that if you attempt to speak the lingo the locals will help you. We sometimes don't appreciate how talented our wives are at languages, they all speak at least 3, Tagalog, local dialect an English....

When my son in law and daughter brought there place over in France he went out there to build the loft conversion and other things, he learnt more once over there then in the years he was trying to learn it at school.
Just like boots on the ground stuff.

8th May 2017, 19:46
Grand designs indeed, and all for £


8th May 2017, 19:55
Fantastic,the interior is a bit like the one I stayed in last week,all exposed beams and brickwork :smile:

8th May 2017, 20:14
Fantastic,the interior is a bit like the one I stayed in last week,all exposed beams and brickwork :smile:

Not a lot of money, plus look what you could do with the ground floor too. :xxgrinning--00xx3: