View Full Version : Soooooooo busy at work

12th April 2017, 18:33
What does the world go mad when there is a bank holiday or Christmas and now even Easter too.
Everyone seems to over order and are wanting the goods that urgent too.
But hang about most places are closed Friday and Monday and maybe Tuesday too, so why there so many items trying to be delivered, we cannot cope simply as that.
To much work is coming in and we just dont have the staff or the vehicles to move it all.
Roll on Thursday at around 5pm, a nice long break till Tuesday at 9am.

13th April 2017, 06:42
Used to get it at the airport. All the companies would want to empty out there places and we as the last stop would get it all. In the end we couldn't move.... But the bosses didn't care. By the end of the bank holiday it was empty again, then quiet for the rest of the week as nobody had anything to bring in to us!

At least in my job now I'm off this week and not back until Tuesday at 2pm