View Full Version : Door sales people

14th April 2017, 12:38
Do these folk really think you are going to buy something from the door step.
Maybe years ago people just did that, but this day and age if you are wanting something you either go to the shops, use your phone or the internet.
Just sitting down a cup of tea from the microwave:biggrin:, and there is a knock on the door.
Two young men talking the talk about gas and electric, and do they think i am so stupid, anyway after saying i am not interested even if the gas bill is the dearest they go off to next door.
At least it was not the Avon fat lady or the jovos this time.:smile:

14th April 2017, 13:07
Apparently Avon has stopped door to door sales, my manager had her final order delivered earlier this week, now she has to buy on line.....

14th April 2017, 13:40
Door-knocking/canvassing has certainly got a lot tougher over the past 40 years during which I've been involved with it.

At least they're making an effort and not just sitting on their backsides, eh. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Now of course the religious ones... different matter. :xxaction-smiley-047