View Full Version : Lifestyle Advice From A 117-Year-Old

Arthur Little
15th April 2017, 12:54
:oldlady: ... watch the video:-


15th April 2017, 13:15
I don't think births were registered in 1900 in kenya,her official government birth date is probably a stab in the dark,back then Africa earned its title the dark continent,i once put a pic up on here of a gravestone I saw in tawi-tawi stating a guy had died at the age of 138? I think it was,totally implausible :smile:

Arthur Little
15th April 2017, 23:07
I don't think births were registered in 1900 in Kenya, her official government birth date is probably a stab in the dark, back then Africa earned its title the dark continent,

Who knows? ... :anerikke: ... I can neither confirm nor refute its authenticy. :nono-1-1: ... but hours later (as if by some bizarre coincidence) I came across the undernoted link to an article on the demise of an Italian woman - born in 1899 - reputed to have been the last person alive from the 19th century, thereby beating the record of the woman I'd mentioned earlier.

www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-39610937 :ReadIt:

Arthur Little
15th April 2017, 23:53
And, being descended from the Romans :icon_rolleyes: ... one would imagine the Italians to've been pretty meticulous in their approach to some kind of formal registration. :biggrin: