View Full Version : Motorway driving

16th April 2017, 22:40
There are some right idiots driving these days and once they get onto a motorway well they are even worst, they either are driving so slow and in the middle lane and never moving out of it.
And when there are 4 lanes they never ever use the outside lane and whats worst you are catching them up and just about to overtake they speed up.
Its been a long drive.

17th April 2017, 09:50
Yup. We just flew into BHX from Dubai last night. 10pm along the M6/M69, lots of drivers with the satnavs glowing in their faces in the rain/spray at 70mph and sitting in the middle lane. The standard of driving was actually better in the Dubai <> Muscat trip I'd just driven.

17th April 2017, 10:06
What surprised me when driving on the M1 from Derby up to the M18 it is all 4 lanes now but no hard shoulder, there are cut ins where there is a emergency phone, but if you did get a artic in there there would be no room for anything else.
So what would happen if you broke down, move it up the grass verge or just stay in the lane which is now the forth lane on the motorway, yes it great to keep the vehicles moving having the extra lane but for safety i say.