View Full Version : Dog Owners

17th April 2017, 17:20
Now i know there are some very responsible dog owners out there but then there are a few who are just a screw loose.
Just been out for a nice walk into the countryside where there are loads of walkers and loads taking there dogs too.
You are walking down these paths having a great time and seeing everyone enjoying themselves even the dogs it seems.
Now with all these dogs about you do get the few owners swinging there back bags full of dog poo and hopefully taking them to a bin or back home.
Herr lies the problem with a few, why do they hang them on bushes and branches or just thrown away, they have gone to the trouble of picking it up which is great , but then only to throw it away.:censored:

Harry T
18th April 2017, 07:52
Im a Dog lover, and a former dog owner almost for a lifetime, This hanging on bushes thing i cant get my head round, would someone on here be able to explain it ?. I see it simply as another form of leaving the Pooh, and only slightly different to not even get the Dog pooh up, instead of treading in the smelly stuff, i either put my hands in it, or rub my clothes against it, or over time the Bags of pooh eventually drop on the floor.
I think its purely laziness on the owners part, who dont want the hassle of finding somewhere to put the ....., so as such it should be classed exactly the same as, leaving the ..... on the floor in the first instance.