View Full Version : Dont stop Foreign Aid

20th April 2017, 06:27
If the UK decides to stop or cut back Foreign Aid many lives will be effected we are being told.
Yes one of the riches men in the whole world is telling us this.
Yes he spends billions of his own cash doing great things himself, but he is still so rich its wrong.
Maybe if other countries give a little more or start giving something to help the world maybe then it would be better.


20th April 2017, 07:57
Have you ever wondered just how much aid the African continent has received from the world in the past 50 years? you would think people would realise by now the way the world pumps money into Africa is not working...:NoNo:

20th April 2017, 08:29
Have you ever wondered just how much aid the African continent has received from the world in the past 50 years? you would think people would realise by now the way the world pumps money into Africa is not working...:NoNo:

Yes but dont the leaders look great in all there gold and gowns and all those butch army people who are around them all the time plus there private jets big cars and even bigger bank accounts , :cwm23:

Harry T
20th April 2017, 08:57
Have you ever wondered just how much aid the African continent has received from the world in the past 50 years? you would think people would realise by now the way the world pumps money into Africa is not working...:NoNo:

Yes i have always wondered this myself, it must be Trillions not billions, but yet they never seem to progress probably most of it is down to corruption in that most of it goes to line peoples pockets rather than getting to where it will do most good. I notice we never seem to send very much Phills way, though its still needed in many areas for infastructure projects.

20th April 2017, 14:59
Yes i have always wondered this myself, it must be Trillions not billions, but yet they never seem to progress probably most of it is down to corruption in that most of it goes to line peoples pockets rather than getting to where it will do most good. I notice we never seem to send very much Phills way, though its still needed in many areas for infastructure projects.

Because we tried once to help or abused Africa just like India and every other county of the great empire and now we have to keep giving them to pay for all the mistakes we made in those countries, or something like that.

Harry T
20th April 2017, 15:11
Because we tried once to help or abused Africa just like India and every other county of the great empire and now we have to keep giving them to pay for all the mistakes we made in those countries, or something like that.

Well China is throwing lots of money at the African continent now, be interesting what happens with there money.

20th April 2017, 17:38
The title of this thread is 'Don't stop foreign aid', please do and give it to the NHS...

Harry T
20th April 2017, 18:24
The title of this thread is 'Don't stop foreign aid', please do and give it to the NHS...

So that we can waste most if on managers, and hiring Agency Nurses for twice the pay of employed Nurses ? thats the problem with these great Big Super Hospitals, they cost millions just to manage them, thats not forgetting the PFI private finance initiative which is being paid for over the next goodness knows how many years.


20th April 2017, 18:33
Yes, I agree the 'foot soldiers' are brilliant and do a great job but there are so many 'management' hangers on they are killing the service, similar situation in local government...:cwm23:

20th April 2017, 18:36
Teaching a lot of people in Africa how to use contraception might not go amiss.... especially those living in refugee camps and war zones. :anerikke:

Why are we interfering with the balance of nature ?

Why should I pay because some idiot can't keep his dick in his pants ? :NoNo:

20th April 2017, 18:37
Graham that could cover many countries, especially the PI....

20th April 2017, 18:38
It could indeed.

20th April 2017, 18:46
Graham that could cover many countries, especially the PI....
Family planting :NoNo: what a ludicrous concept :NoNo: