View Full Version : Getting rid of that ear wax

21st April 2017, 20:36
How do you get rid of your ear wax.
Do you use the top of a pen, your finger, a cotton bud or anything else.
I have suffered a few times where i have had my ears syringed , once when i was on holiday in Florida and once here and i did that myself with Emma's help, the crap that came out was amazing,


21st April 2017, 21:06
Hot wax cleansing,had my ears raked out with a metal sort of wax scraper in india once,i thought he was going to rupture my eardrum,painfull :NoNo:

21st April 2017, 21:11
Hot wax cleansing,had my ears raked out with a metal sort of wax scraper in india once,i thought he was going to rupture my eardrum,painfull :NoNo:

Hot wax did that remove your ear hair too:yikes:

21st April 2017, 21:29

21st April 2017, 22:49
As I remember many years ago, sex used to blow the wax out of your ears.:icon_lol::laugher::laugher:

22nd April 2017, 07:44
As I remember many years ago, sex used to blow the wax out of your ears.:icon_lol::laugher::laugher:

Never heard of that one but i know in my very early days sex did blow my mind :biggrin:

Arthur Little
22nd April 2017, 23:05
How do you get rid of your ear wax?

Good question ... I've been plagued with the :censored: stuff for most of my adult life. :icon_rolleyes: And, [practically] every time I make an appointment to have my ears syringed, I'm told to use almond oil for about a couple of weeks beforehand.

Arthur Little
23rd April 2017, 00:25
Do you use the top of a pen, your finger, a cotton bud or anything else?


According to the link to the article you've posted, Steve ... cleaning out out one's ears with cotton buds or any similar, harmless~looking object is a BIG :nono-1-1: - as is the use of *olive oil - yet *it isn't really any more dense in consistency than what I've been recommended.

Arthur Little
23rd April 2017, 00:56
Either way ... :anerikke: ... seems until the wax is softened, we're expected to suffer in silence - literally. :doh ...!

23rd April 2017, 08:52
Still a pen top is just about the right size to get to the wax , plus i have my own syringe at home .