View Full Version : Bringing family members to settle in UK

23rd April 2017, 09:20
Is there any possibility of sponsoring my wife's brother to come to the uk to live with us and for him to be able to work?

23rd April 2017, 10:22
Doubt it very much, unless he has some sort of unique qualification.

23rd April 2017, 11:14
Doubt it very much, unless he has some sort of unique qualification.

I agree, it would be very hard infact i would go as far as impossible .

23rd April 2017, 22:50
Just pretend you come from Syria :NoNo:

Michael Parnham
8th May 2017, 07:53
Surely someone would have some knowledge on this subject:Erm: where are you Terpe?

8th May 2017, 08:59
Surely someone would have some knowledge on this subject:Erm: where are you Terpe?

Well the folk who have answered have gave there thoughts just like I did.
Going on how hard it was for us to bring our partners and if they had children too and that's under a certain age here, it was hard and expensive too, so trying to bring a older member of your partner's family here unless it's for a holiday is very very hard to achieve.
Best bet is to let them come then disappear ,
I am sure there are many folk who has been here for many years who have tried to do this, but if you read up about it, it's a non starter unless he has something that this country wants.

Harry T
8th May 2017, 10:12
Well the folk who have answered have gave there thoughts just like I did.
Going on how hard it was for us to bring our partners and if they had children too and that's under a certain age here, it was hard and expensive too, so trying to bring a older member of your partner's family here unless it's for a holiday is very very hard to achieve.
Best bet is to let them come then disappear ,
I am sure there are many folk who has been here for many years who have tried to do this, but if you read up about it, it's a non starter unless he has something that this country wants.

Yes yours is a valid suggestion, but its by people disappearing that makes it so hard for the rest of us now, usually a bog standard refusal is accompanied with words something along the lines of "in the balance of probability we feel there is insufficient evidence to show you will return" and that about sums it up, but i will let you know what it says, if and when Jan gets her refusal for what is a genuine Visit request.

8th May 2017, 10:34
It seems to be getting easy for a few people to come here for a holiday, another person we know, there mother has just landed here with a 3 month visa .
If it's for a holiday and you can prove you can support them with providing documents, well it should be a done deal, but things can and do go wrong, as we all know

Harry T
8th May 2017, 11:54
Steve it will be a holiday of a lifetime for her, the only possible drawback could be funds, however with over 40k savings if thats not enough then i dont know what is, but im half expecting a refusal quoting that standard refusal, to which there is no appeal.

8th May 2017, 12:40
Steve it will be a holiday of a lifetime for her, the only possible drawback could be funds, however with over 40k savings if thats not enough then i dont know what is, but im half expecting a refusal quoting that standard refusal, to which there is no appeal.

Well let's keep our fingers and toes crossed for you both.
We all thought the worst when we were going through all these forms and then having to just wait