View Full Version : Save loads if you dont mind the branding

23rd April 2017, 16:13
Well another story about who makes what and for whom too.
Some folk will still by so and so because of the name and they may be thinking because it cost them more its better too.
Well better for who the retailer who is pocketing your hard earned cash that's all.
Yes there some cheap alternatives out there and yes they are crap too but beggars cant be choosers they say.
Here are a few different brands made by the same company.


23rd April 2017, 17:09
A handy article, but of course this has been going on for decades... big manufacturers doing 'own-brand' labels in the same factory.

Way back in 1972, when I was training as a Sales Representative with Spillers Foods (then owners of 32 factories and mills), on our tours of various production plants, we were shown the separate lines for 'own label' brands.

However, we were also assured that the recipes for these cheaper lines were DIFFERENT (as one would expect anyway).

I do buy mostly own label stuff where I can though... as long as the taste/quality is good.

23rd April 2017, 19:28
I use to buy Kingsmill bread from Farmfods buy 2 for £1.50p, but now i love Aldi super seeded bread and 70p a loaf.
Now the only problem with this is the kids love it too, so it goes fast, well faster then the kingsmill loaf

Arthur Little
23rd April 2017, 20:22
Personally ... :anerikke: ... I tend to prefer Supermarkets' own labels to the well~known manufacturers' brands.

Take, for example, Tesco's Butterscotch Instant Whip - which I have just prepared for tonight's dessert a few minutes before typing this post - delicious, it is, much creamier & full flavoured than say, the likes of its 'Angel Delight' equivalent. :biggrin: Cheaper too, at 0.29p, only a little over half the price!