View Full Version : Can't go on for ever, or can it?

27th April 2017, 05:29
Will it stay forever or will it not.
The triple lock Guarantee for Pensions well it seems like it may not be a guarantee for the future.
But as there are millions o folk who never get a pay rise all year so why should the pensioners get this amount every year, somethings have to come to a end.


Arthur Little
27th April 2017, 11:58
Will it stay forever or will it not.
The triple lock Guarantee for Pensions well it seems like it may not be a guarantee for the future.
But as there are millions o folk who never get a pay rise all year so why should the pensioners get this amount every year, somethings have to come to a end.


Tbh ... :anerikke: ... I'm not really aware of what a triple~lock guarantee is.

27th April 2017, 12:05
Here you go Arthur...

The triple lock was introduced by the coalition in 2010 and was a guarantee to increase the state pension every year by the higher of inflation, average earnings or a minimum of 2.5%.

27th April 2017, 12:14
So if it went up 1% instead of the 2.5% would all the pensioner's by happy.
As like anything in life you have the rich pensioners and the poor ones, some will still be fine and others will not.

27th April 2017, 18:22
Let's continue to guarantee our pensioners 2.5% increase every year and instead close some of the loopholes for tax dodgers.

27th April 2017, 18:53

Arthur Little
27th April 2017, 23:43
Here you go Arthur...

The triple lock was introduced by the coalition in 2010 and was a guarantee to increase the state pension every year by the higher of inflation, average earnings or a minimum of 2.5%.

:68711_thanx: ... you have just jogged my memory; I can now recall having submitted a thread about the views of some interfering busybody of a Baroness (whom I'd never previously heard of) - on this subject - last summer:


Although, I don't think you :ReadIt: