View Full Version : Another flight story

27th April 2017, 14:21
I need a pee, well this pee got the person kicked of the plane and the rest of the passengers too.
But the rest of the passengers was allowed to return on the flight.
We all need a pee and i do understand anyone in that position.
The plane was third in line to take off and had been waiting over 30 minutes so he got out of his seat to pee.
That was it, the plane returned to remove him by the captain's orders.
More to the story on the internet.

27th April 2017, 14:42
The airline should have given him a thorough b o llocking and left it at that. The fact that HE caused the delay of all the other passengers onboard should be enough to make him think twice next time. Trouble is, you can sit on 'the apron' for a long time waiting to take off at major airports, especially some of the US airports which make LHR delays look small.

I hate using LHR or LGW for this reason - it takes longer to get to the airport, through the airport, then the plane 'departs' only to sit in a queue for 20 minutes minimum. BHX and MAN are great, Rose just flew to Poland from EMA this morning, again minimal taxi/takeoff delay.

27th April 2017, 16:59
I make sure my bladder is empty before i get onto any plane , its better that way for me.