View Full Version : Meet A 105~Year~Old Physician Stiil Working!

Arthur Little
7th May 2017, 23:50
Semi~retired immunologist, Dr Bill Frankland from Sussex, k/a "The Grandfather of Allergy" - a former Medical Officer and Japanese POW during World War II - received an MBE from the Queen, two years ago.

Here, :olddude: ... the sprightly centenarian demonstrates his daily ritual for keeping himself fit and toning his muscles.

www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-politics-39815946/the-105-year-old-still-working-how ... see video!

Whilst still continuing to fulfill a non-paid consultancy role at Guys Hospital, in London. :cwm24:

www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/03/31/meet-105-year-old-doctor-still-hard-work/ ... :ReadIt:

Arthur Little
8th May 2017, 00:45
Seemingly enjoys :Wine:. "But :poke: ... not too much, mind",
he jokes, "in case I get drunk!" :wink: