View Full Version : UK Independence Party

Arthur Little
15th May 2017, 19:04
UKIP: Founded in 1991, and - within 26 years - built up an enviable reputation for being one of the most effective forces ever to shake up :Britain:'s politics.

www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-4478944/DAILY-MAIL-COMMENT-RIP-Ukip-s-Mrs-May.html ... :ReadIt:


Arthur Little
16th May 2017, 17:15
:cwm24: ... aww, and there was I, :icon_rolleyes: fondly imagining there'd be floods of tears :bigcry:, words of sweet condolence and immemoria from ALL you staunch Farage supporters.

16th May 2017, 18:22
If Farage was still in charge he would have my vote, but this new man well he seems like a smilling clown to me.
Nigel Farage set out to do what he wanted and thank God he did, he will go down in history for what he achieved.

16th May 2017, 18:28
Nigel Farage was UKIP he is gone therefore so has UKIP.............The end.