View Full Version : Who am I, and what am I?

17th May 2017, 07:31
It's a crazy world out there at the moment, we have a General Election coming soon, Brexit happening too, and that's just here.
Then there is the rest of the world.
But what is in the news at the moment? GENDER.
I don't want to be called a boy, I don't want to be called a girl, I want to be called OWL.
So when you are born in the old days you were either a girl or a boy and yes years later you may have changed you ideas and want to change your feelings and your name from Derick to Doris.
Yesterday a boy wanted to wear a skirt for school and they were saying why can't he? Well that's why they have school uniforms for girls and boys, it's a funny world and yes we should all have rights but also there are rules too, so what comes first?
By the way I am still Steve.