View Full Version : Do You Remember THAT, Mum?

Arthur Little
19th May 2017, 11:23
Those of you who happened to tune into 'News At Ten' on BBC 1 last night, could scarcely fail to be moved by the plight of 64-year-old Adriani, :cwm24: ... who, in *December 2014, was diagnosed with early-onset dementia.

Since *then, the mental faculties of this previously, happy~go~lucky woman have rapidly declined to the point where she's had to sell her small house in London to receive residential care.

www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/health-39969874/dementia-why-son-fears-for-mums-future-care ... Watch the video.

Within that comparatively short period of time, the costs of attending to her most basic needs have risen from £60,000 to £100,000 a year, :yikes:! ... prompting Adriani's son to query WHY
the government isn't allocating nearly enough funds towards helping people in his mother's situation.