View Full Version : Landmark European court case could curtail freedoms of British dual nationals

20th May 2017, 23:31
I cannot see a post about this on here, sorry if it's already been mentioned,

one reason not to become a British Citizen if your single :biggrin:


I think the British Government is right, once you become a British citizen you lose your EU citizen rights, you cannot pick and choose being a British citizen and a EU citizen to suit yourself.

21st May 2017, 09:16
Interesting one and I had no idea really about this too.

21st May 2017, 14:54
Still pondering over claiming my Irish nationality. I have all the required documents now.... just the few hundred quid in fees that is the first sticking point. :cwm24:

21st May 2017, 15:03
I think this is a case of somebody wanting to have their cake and eat it.

Naturally there is a Pakistani or Indian lawyer involved, as of course they must be experts on such immigration rule-bending. The very nationals who have most likely screwed up the whole system for the rest of us REAL Brits, with their widespread use of false documents, cheating and fraud... as a way of life. :mad:

21st May 2017, 16:11
Still pondering over claiming my Irish nationality. I have all the required documents now.... just the few hundred quid in fees that is the first sticking point. :cwm24:

and I was thinking of applying for a Lithuanian passport :icon_lol:, doesn't look like there is any point now, not unless I would want to settle in another EU country.:NoNo:

21st May 2017, 16:27
Seems that way. :Erm:

21st May 2017, 16:28
and I was thinking of applying for a Lithuanian passport :icon_lol:, doesn't look like there is any point now, not unless I would want to settle in another EU country.:NoNo:

Hey Joe!.. Kamusta! Long time no see!

I seem to remember quite a few Brits that lived,worked and holidayed in other European nations before the ridiculous EU elitist Politicians club came into being..
Why can`t it be just like it was before?
I would have absolutely no problems with applying for a work permit and work visa should I wish to work in or visit Germany or Spain in the future once we are an independent nation again.
walang problema!!

21st May 2017, 16:37
I remember having one of those cardboard passport things for visiting European countries in the old days. :biggrin:

Didn't even get a 'proper' one until I was late 30s (or a camera :Erm: ) .

All my childhood travels and 3 years living in Malaya were on my mum's passport. :smile:

21st May 2017, 16:52
I remember having one of those cardboard passport things for visiting European countries in the old days. :biggrin:

Didn't even get a 'proper' one until I was late 30s (or a camera :Erm: ) .

All my childhood travels and 3 years living in Malaya were on my mum's passport. :smile:

As a kid I remember my first trip abroad!! Fantastic.. Mum and Dad took us to France and Spain.
Everything was different and exciting..
Different cars,different food,different weather,Different passports,different money,different exchange rates...Everything was DIFFERENT!!...
PROPER holiday abroad and all my mates were jealous!!
Since this EU synchronization/standardization crap,its just not the same. Very sad IMO. TUT TUT TUT.
I pray that this EU club collapses sooner than later... Back to the good ole days.

21st May 2017, 18:20
Yep... back to em being proper foreigners . :olddude: :biggrin: