View Full Version : New member

Steve & Kim
6th January 2008, 20:04
Hi to all

I'm just new here and I joined as I've just recently married a lovely Filipina girl on the 18th of December in Manila.

I'm 37 and my wife is just 19 and that has been quite hard to introduce to family and friends. We met through the internet as I'd been looking for a nice Uk girl for years without success as I still want to start a family with a girl. I joined a site and started chatting to a few girls to see what they were like and started chatting to my now wife initially as friends and our relationship blossomed from that.

It has been really romantic chatting by phone and e-mail everyday and we are both very happy and we get on great together. her family and friends have all been really supportive for us which has been really good for us.

She will be joining me here from perhaps April and I was looking on here to see if I there were couples in a similar position to us or to form some friendships with Filipina/UK couples so my wife has some Filipina contacts already when she arrives.


eula mackay
6th January 2008, 21:03
hello steve welcome to the forum!

has it been difficult to introduce her to family and friends because of the age difference? hmmm...i only see it as numbers to be honest with you. one could be 48 and behave like 21 yr old or one can be 19 and have the mind of 45, bahaviour of 35 etc. you should have a good judgement of your wife on that matter. im sure she is lovely thats why you have choosen to marry her.

whereabouts in kent are you?

6th January 2008, 21:10
Welcome to the forum Steve.


6th January 2008, 21:29
hi my name is ross i.am 41 and live in norfolk, i hope to marry my gf this year she lives in makati but has visited the uk 3 or 4 times if your gf needs to chat to a pinoy my gf can help with some good advice mate

6th January 2008, 21:45
Welcome to the forum...

6th January 2008, 21:52
Welcome Steve (and Ross) to FilipinoUK, we are a friendly bunch here.

6th January 2008, 21:58
Welcome Steve (and Ross) to FilipinoUK, we are a friendly bunch here.

can i just say thanks,i live in norfolk and met my gf 3 and half years ago in kl, for all this time i,ve had no support i,am rubish with the internet and only found this site 2 weeks ago i hav,nt met any men in my situation but this site is a god send everyone is very helpful thank you:Hellooo:

6th January 2008, 22:22
I'm 34 and my Vimvie will be 19 in January, I did have quarms about her being too young for me, but I LOVE her! We knew each other as friends at first, but then I just fell in love with her. I used to worry what people might think of me, but now I just think, if they don't like it, they can :censored: off! :icon_lol:

6th January 2008, 22:27
can i just say thanks,i live in norfolk and met my gf 3 and half years ago in kl, for all this time i,ve had no support i,am rubish with the internet and only found this site 2 weeks ago i hav,nt met any men in my situation but this site is a god send everyone is very helpful thank you:Hellooo:

Hi Ross,

You do make a valid point about there being a lack of support generally in the UK when it comes to Fil-UK visa and immigration matters, and I'm quite sure this forum does an excellent job offering advice for free that would otherwise cost £0000's if immigration lawyers and their ilk were involved.

When I first started dating Elsa back in 2003, FilipinoUk didn't exist, and we only had the now defunct Asawa forum (Erve, Yves and Pete will remember) for immigration and visa advice, but the help I got from the forum made the whole visa application process much less hassle.

6th January 2008, 22:28
Welcome to steve and kim and . Its weird how people allways seem to find this site when nearly all the way though the application process:Erm:

6th January 2008, 22:51
Welcome Steve, but then I know you already know myself and my girl, glad to have you on the forum, and hope you enjoy it here, you stuck it out and followed through, congrats on your marriage, hmmm 19 years old, not bad my friend not bad ! my girl passed for 28 the other day, it must be the diet she is on.

6th January 2008, 22:54
hi my name is ross i.am 41 and live in norfolk,

You haven't seen any sneezing turkeys have you? :D

6th January 2008, 23:25
no, you lot had them for christmas, sorry we got to sell them to someone, why do you think everyone has a cold.

6th January 2008, 23:31
Hi Ross,

You do make a valid point about there being a lack of support generally in the UK when it comes to Fil-UK visa and immigration matters, and I'm quite sure this forum does an excellent job offering advice for free that would otherwise cost £0000's if immigration lawyers and their ilk were involved.

When I first started dating Elsa back in 2003, FilipinoUk didn't exist, and we only had the now defunct Asawa forum (Erve, Yves and Pete will remember) for immigration and visa advice, but the help I got from the forum made the whole visa application process much less hassle.

i wish it had only cost me £0000,s but i,am learning, best advice is if you do things correctly and no lies the visa is easier than other people say.:doh

7th January 2008, 10:32
i would never pay for legal adivce unless your case is really complicated, you can get lots of free advice from your local law centre, CAB and Immigration orgs like the excellent JCWI.

and it might be a good idea to get your wife to the UK before April, prob cost you more then and who knows what the gov has lined up, when it reveals its new Immigration plans... :Erm:

lol :icon_lol:, ive read that there is a recommendation to the gov that the 'life in the uk' test cert, should be called a certification :Rasp::Cuckoo: instead...

7th January 2008, 10:41
Welcome to the forum Steve & Kim:Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo:

7th January 2008, 10:49
welcome to the forum steve and kim hope you enjoying your lovelife with your wife

7th January 2008, 10:50
hi my name is ross i.am 41 and live in norfolk, i hope to marry my gf this year she lives in makati but has visited the uk 3 or 4 times if your gf needs to chat to a pinoy my gf can help with some good advice mate

hi rosstrtco welcome to the forum

7th January 2008, 12:34
welcome to the forum Steve and Kim...I hope u will enjoy ur stay here and have found anything u need for the visa application..

Goodluck and Congratz for the wedding...Cheers..:)

7th January 2008, 21:16
i would never pay for legal adivce unless your case is really complicated, you can get lots of free advice from your local law centre, CAB and Immigration orgs like the excellent JCWI.

and it might be a good idea to get your wife to the UK before April, prob cost you more then and who knows what the gov has lined up, when it reveals its new Immigration plans... :Erm:

lol :icon_lol:, ive read that there is a recommendation to the gov that the 'life in the uk' test cert, should be called a certification :Rasp::Cuckoo: instead...

very true about lots of free advice.

I know you read a lot of the immigration and visa sites joe any rumours of what those in the know think could happy?

With todays leaking that student visa overstayers are not to be chased up unless involved in a corrupt or fraudlent application and the reason reading between the lines is lack of money i can see hefty increases in the visa fees and looks like why the news was leaked now so the new labour machine can show they are tough when the huge increases are announced.

7th January 2008, 22:56
[quote=joebloggs;49594]you can get lots of free advice from your local , CAB .

Don't know about the others you mentioned, but at the CAB haven't got the foggiest... Unless is just the Mold one....:Erm:

My ex, made a point in enquiring at the CAB, while Jet's application was going through...
And she was happy in informing me that it was absolutely impossible for Jet to obtain a visa and all that jazz ex wifes come out with....:NoNo:

I remember telling her that the CAB needed to update the information somewhat, but she adamantly insisted that it was set in stone, and I would have no chance whatsoever to bring Jet over.......:NoNo:

Well......... Guess what...???:D

8th January 2008, 12:04
CAB can be a waste of time, you need to speak to someone who knows about immigration there, as they try to cover everything, but your local law centre should have an immigration solicitor who should know immigration law :D

as for the overstaying students, looks like for many it wasn't their fault, its their uni, who took toooo long to send their papers to IND, also some were refused for incorrectly filling out the forms, but then its the same for us all, if you fill in the spouse visa, and it's not right, and now your visa has expired, who's fault is that :Erm:

oh i wonder whats going to happen in march/april. as the gov said it's going to be the biggest shake up in immigration history, one thnig you can bet on, everything will cost more..

8th January 2008, 13:02
Hi Steve and Kim
Welcome to the forum and congratulations to both of you.

17th January 2008, 00:03
Congrats and welcome! She will be looking for filipinos once she's here. It will be difficult at first but that is the challenge, really!

17th January 2008, 00:39
welcome steve and kim congratz