View Full Version : Manchester Arena blast: 19 dead and about 50 hurt

23rd May 2017, 03:56

Unfortunately I am neither shocked or surprised.
R.I.P to the innocent people that have had their young lives cut short by EVIL islam.
(no capital "i" in islam)

23rd May 2017, 06:53
Terrible and what is the answer to all this??.
Kill those who would want to kill you.

23rd May 2017, 06:56
R.I.P those who didn't see the sun rise this morning :NoNo:

23rd May 2017, 06:57
Targeting a kids concert :NoNo:

Michael Parnham
23rd May 2017, 07:57
Lost for words, RIP to those no longer with us.

23rd May 2017, 08:43
What gets to me is that this is a kids concert, lots of teenagers. Not an attack on a Police station or government building for example. Very nasty on the scale of nasty attacks.

Harry T
23rd May 2017, 08:46
RIP peace to all those that have lost their lives, and a speedy recovery to those injured. The latest update is 22 dead 59 injured, this again brings home to us that its a world wide problem.

We need to step up security in places where there are large gatherings of people, the last time i had my bag searched was when i was in the Philippines, its reported that there was no bags searched last night. When i went into Victoria Coach Station late last year there was no search & no scanner, when i went to Heathrow i only went through the usual scanners. I have had reason since March to visit Council offices, see council officials, visit large shopping Malls, again no checks anywhere, i realise we live in a free society but is 22 dead and 59 injured a worthwhile cost to have less security and retain our freedom?.

23rd May 2017, 09:43
The evil people who planned and carried this cowardly act out are absolute scum.....thoughts are with those who lost lives or had injuries inflicted upon them.

23rd May 2017, 10:43
The evil people who planned and carried this cowardly act out are absolute scum

They are neighbours and live in a town near us, now that is frightening.

Arthur Little
23rd May 2017, 13:59
To those killed in this latest atrocity :bigcry: ... RIP.

Thoughts and prayers are with the families of all affected in ANY way.

I shudder to think of what our world's coming to!

Harry T
23rd May 2017, 16:02
I see that ISIS are again claiming the responsibility for this murderous act, its really time that all genuine followers of Islam got their act together, and rooted out the perpetrators of such mindless violence done in the name of Islam. I notice once again no-one from that Community has yet come forward, and denounced the attack.

23rd May 2017, 16:05
People ignored Enoch Powell. Ostracised him, a brilliant man.

Naive fools... and still are today. :NoNo:

RIP to all those poor innocent people.

23rd May 2017, 16:25
One of my daughter's friends was injured by a nail that apparently went straight through her leg last night and another friend's family went to the concert but fortunately they were unhurt. It really brings it home when someone you know is caught up in these horrific attacks....

23rd May 2017, 16:29
One of my daughters friends was injured by a nail that apparently went straight through her leg last night and another friends family went to the concert but fortunately they were unhurt, it really brings it home when some one you know is caught up in these horrific attacks....

Really sorry to hear about that.. My daughter also has a friend that was there but was lucky not to have been injured.. Had we been living in the UK I`d say the chances of my girl being there would have been 100% which to me is a shocking thought.
As you say...'Brings it home"
F... the stiff upper lip thing...I`m as angry as hell!!

23rd May 2017, 16:59
And yet nothing will seem to be done and we must carry on not letting these people disrupt life as we know it.
Well life as we know it is changing fast, rout these evil .......s out and they know who they are but are waiting for them to make the first move.
I say we should make the first move and sod their rights too. What about our rights for living in a safe place that we call home?

23rd May 2017, 17:04
People ignored Enoch Powell. Ostracised him, a brilliant man..
He had the gift of foresight.........................the bomber was born in the UK of Libyan parents, remember Tommy Robinson obtained the statistics that over 50,000 muslims living in the UK have downloaded ISIS bomb-making literature.

23rd May 2017, 17:08
Footage on TV, a house in Fallowfield greater-Manchester saturated with plain clothes types raiding it.

23rd May 2017, 17:28
Footage on TV a house in Fallowfield greater-Manchester saturated with plain clothes types raiding it.

Yes I saw that too and they have named him too. :cwm23:

23rd May 2017, 17:33
Please watch, it will only take 4 minutes of your time................


23rd May 2017, 17:39
Thanks for posting.

I agree with his every word.

Sadly, they will be ignored by those in power... AGAIN.

Harry T
23rd May 2017, 17:45
Please watch, it will only take 4 minutes of your time................


Some home truths there Tawi, but as usual Politicians will ignore last night, and carry on in there own little world, like him or hate him Trump will mention the I & M word.
Tried to give you a rep for that link mate but have to spread it around. By the way Michael, we just posted very similar posts, great minds and all that..

23rd May 2017, 17:49
I've re-posted that vid over to the 'other' forum, for the benefit of the hug-a-muslim brigade and other assorted liberal bleeding hearts over there. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd May 2017, 17:52
Please watch,it will only take 4 minutes of your time................

I have watch a few of his videos and yes at first he came across as some loud mouth yob in his early days, but he has a better following now, but will people listen to him?
Its ok the politicians doing the talk and saying we are in it together, well work together and put the your people first.

Arthur Little
23rd May 2017, 17:53
Please watch,it will only take 4 minutes of your time................


I did ... :anerikke: ... but it would've been easier to follow had he spoken a bit more slowly!

23rd May 2017, 18:05
He's angry Arthur... and quite rightly so IMO.

23rd May 2017, 18:08
I have watch a few of his videos and yes at first he came across as some loud mouth yob in his early days, but he has a better following now, but will people listen to him?
Its ok the politicians doing the talk and saying we are in it together, well work together and put the your people first.

He`s the most caring and bravest person in the uk that I know of and his personal and intellectual knowledge of Islam is second to none..People that call him "racist" are fools..
Thanks to Tawi for posting link...Now I will post the video for direct viewing.. If you want to understand Islamic terrorism in the UK,watch every and ANY Tommy Robinson video that you can find...Ive watched them all and IMO he is yet another British hero.


23rd May 2017, 18:12
I have watched them all fred, and went to watch him speak in Sunderland 2 weeks ago, he understands the situation better than any politician, he should actually team up with Nigel Farage, they both speak the truth without politico psychobabble


23rd May 2017, 18:28
As soon as politicians and media started referring to 'communities', the country was doomed. :NoNo:





No-go areas

Arranged marriages


Sharia Law

This is not what my dad and grandads fought for. :mad:

Ako Si Jamie
23rd May 2017, 19:07
its reported that there was no bags searched last night.

Negligence. Kiddies concert or no kiddies concert, security should be still at a high level especially in the current climate where terrorists are causing havoc all over Europe on a regular basis.

23rd May 2017, 21:31
I think all mosques should be closed and made illegal. No prison for those murdering and no deportation extremists, rapists, Hate preachers - just Death Sentence.
We shouldn't accept muslim religion here and make the Koran illegal. If they can't be British, then they shouldn't be here.

23rd May 2017, 22:22
I agree it should be banished from our society, but the best they (people in power) can do now, is put a halt to the further advancement of Islam in this country.

The Trojan Horse that the fools let in has disgorged its cargo years ago. :NoNo:

23rd May 2017, 23:14
He`s the most caring and bravest person in the uk that I know of and his personal and intellectual knowledge of Islam is second to none..People that call him "racist" are fools..
Thanks to Tawi for posting link...Now I will post the video for direct viewing.. If you want to understand Islamic terrorism in the UK,watch every and ANY Tommy Robinson video that you can find...Ive watched them all and IMO he is yet another British hero.


Pity he's not up for election day he'd get my vote.

24th May 2017, 11:32
And what is the one sentence that links all these killers, and it makes me so angry.
They were known to the intelligence services. :cwm23:

Ako Si Jamie
24th May 2017, 12:59
And what is the one sentence that links all these killers, and it makes me so angry.
They were known to the intelligence services. :cwm23:

Have you noticed when after these atrocities have occured, they're at the terrorists houses like flies around ...... If these individuals are known to intelligence services surely they cannot be allowed to walk around freely. Unbelievable.

The cowardly, gormless politicians of this country are effectively letting "the religion of peace" dictate to them.

24th May 2017, 13:54
With all the news coverage I have heard very few people mention islam!!, it's as though you are not allowed to say this atrocity has anything to do with the religion..... :cwm23:

24th May 2017, 14:46
With all the news coverage I have heard very few people mention islam!!, it's as though you are not allowed to say this atrocity has anything to do with the religion..... :cwm23:

Well who dares mention that word and other words if you are a white English person living in England, for fear of being called racist.:doh

24th May 2017, 21:18
Tommy Robinson.......please take a minute to watch.


24th May 2017, 22:23
Tommy Robinson.......please take a minute to watch.


What is the answer?
Watching the news tonight there was a young chap who had the answers to all this, he was not white English so I cannot say who or what it is, but his words were, "to solve this, pull out your troops and don't call Islam, and leave the country to get on with itself."
So who was this person as he said all these things? Obviously he was not British in his own mind, but I bet he lives here and maybe works or claims benefits too.

25th May 2017, 07:51
Talk is cheap it seems and it also seems the British way of life is cheap too.
Shame on all of us for letting this happen, there is no going back.
As the Borg says, we will assimilate to be part of the collective, but the Borg is Islam it seems.
Just my take on this.

25th May 2017, 08:00
Duterte has it right.

If you fight us you will die.
If there is open defiance, you will die,
Maybe a few harsh words spoken out not in anger rather than singing we shall overcome.
May make some think twice.

25th May 2017, 09:53
Yup, lighting tea candles and reciting poems about how strong Manchester is just don't cut it with the average suicide bomber, small wonder they laugh their socks of at us, or should that be blow their socks off.

25th May 2017, 11:06
Problem is ... to 'assimilate' is an alien concept in Islam. One day all these bleeding-heart liberals will grasp that, perhaps after THEIR loved one is blown up in their own home town. :NoNo:

Watching the last couple of episodes of 'Can't Pay ? We'll Take it Away' (including the one last night), noticed how the minute authority figures going about their lawful business knock on one of these people's doors, a whole gang of relatives rolls up, threatening violence. Police called. Still behave like a bunch of arrogant thugs. They have no respect for us or our laws. The enemy within. :mad:

25th May 2017, 11:07
Yup, lighting tea candles and reciting poems about how strong Manchester is just don't cut it with the average suicide bomber, small wonder they laugh their socks of at us, or should that be blow their socks off.

Sorry does not cut it with me either, but it may help a few.

Harry T
25th May 2017, 12:32
Im sick and tired of seeing Andy Burnham saying pull together dont let them put us against each other, Iv got news for him, its too late go and ask 22 bereaved relatives what they think.
As for this particular family, it seems to me they were all involved in some way, they should as a minimum never be allowed into this Country again, ohhhhh and by the way, where do they actually live ? they appear to be living 2 lives, one in Libya, and one here, where does the money come from to enable them to do this... so many unanswered questions.

25th May 2017, 12:53
Problem is ... to 'assimilate' is an alien concept in Islam. One day all these bleeding-heart liberals will grasp that, perhaps after THEIR loved one is blown up in their own home town. :NoNo:

Watching the last couple of episodes of 'Can't Pay ? We'll Take it Away' (including the one last night), noticed how the minute authority figures going about their lawful business knock on one of these people's doors, a whole gang of relatives rolls up, threatening violence. Police called. Still behave like a bunch of arrogant thugs. They have no respect for us or our laws. The enemy within. :mad:

I saw those too, no respect whatsoever until they are thrown into a police car by burly blokes and then they piss themselves.

25th May 2017, 12:55
Im sick and tired of seeing Andy Burnham saying pull together dont let them put us against each other, Iv got news for him, its too late go and ask 22 beeaved relatives what they think.
As for this particular family, it seems to me they were all involved in some way, they should as a minimum never be allowed into this Country again, ohhhhh and by the way, where do they actually live ? they appear to be living 2 lives, one in Libya, and one here, where does the money come from to enable them to do this... so many unanswered questions.

Andy Burnham, it will not be long before he blames the other parties for what happened and Labour is the answer.

Arthur Little
25th May 2017, 13:50
Im sick and tired of seeing Andy Burnham saying pull together dont let them put us against each other, Iv got news for him, its too late go and ask 22 bereaved relatives what they think.

:iagree: ... cannot help wondering how cool, calm and collected Mayor Burnham would've appeared, had any of his family been caught up in the Manchester attack!

25th May 2017, 14:56
:iagree: ... cannot help wondering how cool, calm and collected Mayor Burnham would've appeared, had any of his family been caught up in the Manchester attack!

The trouble is Arthur, all these people are protected, and like anything, if it does not involve them directly well we all can sympathise, but carry on with our own lives.

28th May 2017, 16:21

28th May 2017, 23:50
One of my daughter's friends was injured by a nail that apparently went straight through her leg last night and another friend's family went to the concert but fortunately they were unhurt. It really brings it home when someone you know is caught up in these horrific attacks....

my wife was working in A&E that night, she had to attend to 4 children who were injured and help remove bolts from a womans leg :NoNo:

my friend at work, his daughter was in the same class as Olivia Campbell the 15yr old girl who died in the bomb blast, her boyfriend who was also injured is in the same class, he survived but received some bad injuries :bigcry:


29th May 2017, 00:23
Just tragic and awful for all those who lost loved ones and those who were injured.

Ako Si Jamie
29th May 2017, 09:26
It doesn't help when celebrity simpletons stick their oar in.


29th May 2017, 09:32
...... radical islam and big up for Morrisey :biggrin:

29th May 2017, 09:55
Yes it does not take long for so called stars to promote themselves and maybe a record out soon.
And why is it every politician before they answer a question has to say how sorry they are for what has happened and how great it is that MCR has become one? :doh

29th May 2017, 10:06
The guy flew an ISIS flag outside his house IN Manchester and the police did NADA. What's the use of the police if they don't follow up and act on complaints? Heads should roll, about as much use as chocolate fireguards :NoNo:

29th May 2017, 10:25
The guy flew an ISIS flag outside his house IN Manchester and the police did NADA. What's the use of the police if they don't follow up and act on complaints? Heads should roll, about as much use as chocolate fireguards :NoNo:

A month or so back was there a chap walking through Central London with a ISIS flag on his back, and again nothing was done, as he was not causing or doing anything.
But the horse has bolted after we have all left the gate open. Yes, we shall try to close it but I am sure there will be rejections for us doing that.

29th May 2017, 12:29
He`s the most caring and bravest person in the uk that I know of and his personal and intellectual knowledge of Islam is second to none..People that call him "racist" are fools..
Thanks to Tawi for posting link...Now I will post the video for direct viewing.. If you want to understand Islamic terrorism in the UK,watch every and ANY Tommy Robinson video that you can find...Ive watched them all and IMO he is yet another British hero.


is this the same Tommy Robinson who's a football thug and has a long criminal record ? , if so he can stay down south we dont need people like that up north :NoNo:

29th May 2017, 12:33
is this the same Tommy Robinson who's a football thug and has a long criminal record ? , if so he can stay down south we dont need people like that up north :NoNo:

Yes but he has a different hairstyle now.:biggrin:

29th May 2017, 12:41
Its not the hairstyle,its not the past,its the current situation :wink:

29th May 2017, 13:11
is this the same Tommy Robinson who's a football thug and has a long criminal record ? , if so he can stay down south we dont need people like that up north :NoNo:

Irrelevant while Tony Bliar remains at liberty... and it's for the greater good. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th May 2017, 13:26

He and the EDL are full of racists, we don't need people like this as we don't need the Islamic extremist :NoNo:

29th May 2017, 13:28
He is no longer EDL. The racism in this country, Joe is stirred up by uncontrolled immigration and radical Islam. I know for a fact Tommy Robinson is vocalising what a lot of people are thinking.

29th May 2017, 13:50
He is no longer EDL. The racism in this country, Joe is stirred up by uncontrolled immigration and radical Islam. I know for a fact Tommy Robinson is vocalising what a lot of people are thinking.

That's just a smoke screen for being racists.

I've never heard any of them say or shout ":censored: home you white :censored:"



I don't support uncontrolled Immigration or radical islam but he and the EDL are just as bad as the islamic extremist preaching hate :NoNo:

29th May 2017, 13:55
I have been racially abused in this country twice by Pakistanis, both times unprovoked, Joe. :biggrin:

29th May 2017, 14:12

29th May 2017, 14:12
I have been racially abused in this country twice by Pakistanis, both times unprovoked, Joe. :biggrin:

I'm sure that was just a pigment of your imagination :wink:

I can't recall ever been racially abused :cwm25:, I've been called many things but nothing to do with race :biggrin:

29th May 2017, 14:19
No figment of my imagination Joe, a pigment maybe. Luckily I understand a tiny bit of Urdu, I worked in Pakistan years ago. Just because you haven't met racial abuse in the UK doesn't mean I haven't, lots of people have different experiences. :smile:

29th May 2017, 14:20
Those who feel they have something to say, will join whatever organisation will give them a platform... especially when it is THAT important.

For how many decades have the naive liberal fools in this country been ignoring the warnings by those of us (lazily) labelled 'racists' the minute we open our mouths... you know, those of us who belong to the 90% of the population who DON'T belong to certain ethnic minorities... the ones who hate us and our way of life ? :NoNo:

29th May 2017, 14:52
No figment of my imagination Joe, a pigment maybe. Luckily I understand a tiny bit of Urdu, I worked in Pakistan years ago. Just because you haven't met racial abuse in the UK doesn't mean I haven't, lots of people have different experiences. :smile:

thats true, I'm just telling you my experience of 0 racial abuse, Robinson seems to be a magnet for it thou :cwm25:

any links of Robinson on a march about sending 1m Poles back home ?

29th May 2017, 14:56
thats true, I'm just telling you my experience of 0 racial abuse, Robinson seems to be a magnet for it thou :cwm25:

any links of Robinson on a march about sending 1m Poles back home ?

I don't know if there are any links Joe. If you listen to the accents of those two guys on the youtube clips, both accents were northerners, :smile: there's no racial cohesion in this country. I truthfully think in this area at least, we are swamped with eastern Europeans, they have set up Calais style jungle encampments in some areas just outside London. I don't blame him for wanting a million Poles to go home, free movement of peoples doesn't work.

29th May 2017, 15:48
Well there is no arguing about the figures 1M Poles came to the UK in the last 10 years or so. I hear because of the shortage of Polish workers back in Poland that they've let in Ukrainian workers to do the lower paid jobs :cwm25:

No doubt in a few years time when they have Polish citizenship they will be off to France or Germany to seek a better life, but not the UK as the door is shutting :wink:

29th May 2017, 16:09

1.3M Ukrainians working in Poland already and they need more :cwm25:. I wonder if, as Poland's economy is doing so well, will the 1M here start to go back?

29th May 2017, 18:10
Nothing wrong with Poles.

They don't groom our kids for sexual exploitation/rape, or form ghettos, with their own laws. They don't kill their daughters who have the temerity to want a romantic relationship with one of us dreadful people. ('Infidels').

They don't share one driving licence or passport amongst 20 different people... and then scream 'racist' if it is queried.

They live peacefully among us and have the same 21st century values that the vast majority of the British people hold dear.

Welcome to our country. Stay as long as you like... as with Filipinos.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
29th May 2017, 19:15
Nothing wrong with Poles.

They don't groom our kids for sexual exploitation/rape, or form ghettos, with their own laws. They don't kill their daughters who have the temerity to want a romantic relationship with one of us dreadful people. ('Infidels').

They don't share one driving licence or passport amongst 20 different people... and then scream 'racist' if it is queried.

They live peacefully among us and have the same 21st century values that the vast majority of the British people hold dear.

Welcome to our country. Stay as long as you like... as with Filipinos.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Graham ... :iagree: with everything you've said - there's nowt wrong wi' Poles; here is the link to a thread of mine - in their defence - I'd posted [almost] a year ago:

http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/59359-Poles-Apart?highlight=Poles+Apart+-+by=Arthur+Little - see #1, Paragraphs 4, 5 & 6, in particular!

29th May 2017, 19:56
Nothing wrong with Poles.

They don't groom our kids for sexual exploitation/rape, or form ghettos, with their own laws. They don't kill their daughters who have the temerity to want a romantic relationship with one of us dreadful people. ('Infidels').

They don't share one driving licence or passport amongst 20 different people... and then scream 'racist' if it is queried.

They live peacefully among us and have the same 21st century values that the vast majority of the British people hold dear.

Welcome to our country. Stay as long as you like... as with Filipinos.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

It looks like these Poles can stay as long as they like seeing we can't deport them :NoNo:


Most foreigners in England and Wales prisons are from Europe and the most common nationality is Polish.

There are almost twice as many Polish (1,012) as Albanians (512) - the fifth most common nationality.

Irish (745), Romanian (674) and Jamaican (534) were the other nationalities in the top 5.


29th May 2017, 20:17
I believe the Poles are also the most numerous immigrants, so hardly surprising that all other stats will reflect that fact. :anerikke:

29th May 2017, 20:43
I believe the Poles are also the most numerous immigrants, so hardly surprising that all other stats will reflect that fact. :anerikke:

True, but one in a UK prison is too many, they should be deported I'm sure you don't want your taxes being used to keep them, I don't.

29th May 2017, 20:49
Yes, I'd certainly agree with deporting ALL foreign criminals.

We already have plenty of our own to pay for out of our taxes, without any more leeching nuisances. :NoNo:

Recidivism being what it is... they can do that back in their own country too. :mad:

29th May 2017, 20:49
Certain UK prisons are fit to bursting with eastern Europeans but worse,far worse are the prisons where radical Islamic gangs coerce young impressionable newcomers to convert to islam for their own protection :NoNo:

Arthur Little
29th May 2017, 20:52
:doh ... did anyone involved in this latest debate about Eastern Europeans even bother to consult the link I posted above - and its constituent *parts - *which I'd highlighted?

29th May 2017, 20:56
Certain UK prisons are fit to bursting with eastern Europeans but worse,far worse are the prisons where radical Islamic gangs coerce young impressionable newcomers to convert to islam for their own protection :NoNo:

Spot on .

Those in power appear to be too cowardly to sort this one out... and that can certainly be done in the confines of a prison... where there is the will, as can the drugs situation.

29th May 2017, 20:58
:doh ... did anyone involved in this debate even bother to consult the link I posted above - and its constituent parts - which I'd highlighted?

Apols Arthur, but I never click on links on the internet. Nothing personal mate.

Ah.. it's a filroses link.
Ok... checked it out now Arthur. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th May 2017, 20:58
I think the statistic I read was 1 in every 60 poles live here :Erm: That's a lot of jam-rolls.

29th May 2017, 21:00
Spot on .

Those in power appear to be too cowardly to sort this one out... and that can certainly be done in the confines of a prison... where there is the will, as can the drugs situation.
Easy solution.....Segregate all muslims,build an Islamic supermax prison,stop all koran classes inside,if you want to pray do it alone in your cell,your there as a punishment not as a social club member,you relinquish your rights at the door as it clangs shut behind you,welcome to prison :biggrin:

29th May 2017, 21:08
Absolutely right.

Our (Christian) country, our rules. It's not supposed to be a blinkin holiday anyway. :NoNo:

31st May 2017, 13:16
This made my blood boil, I would seriously have been arrested if I had seen this as I would have launched into the pair of them, not a keyboard warrior, I just know what I would have done :wink:
Stealing toys and flowers from a memorial in Manchester to those who died, cultural enrichment :NoNo:


31st May 2017, 20:31
This made my blood boil, I would seriously have been arrested if I had seen this as I would have launched into the pair of them, not a keyboard warrior, I just know what I would have done :wink:
Stealing toys and flowers from a memorial in Manchester to those who died, cultural enrichment :NoNo:


This is the country we live in. What would have happened if there was a bunch of these people taking items? Would or could there be anything said that may have caused injury to yourself?

31st May 2017, 23:00
Every parasite and lowlife in Europe has come here to wander our streets, out for what they can get from a country generations toiled, fought, and lost their lives for to bring it to what it is today. ******* disgusting. :mad:

1st June 2017, 02:30
Oasis reunion rumoured for Ariana Grande Manchester benefit concert
Liam recently played his debut solo show at Manchester’s O2 Ritz venue
Rumours of an Oasis (http://www.nme.com/artists/Oasis) reunion continue to circulate after Black Eyed Peas star, Taboo listed the band in the line up for the forthcoming Ariana Grande Manchester benefit concert (http://www.nme.com/news/music/ariana-grande-manchester-benefit-concert-2081291).


1st June 2017, 06:44
Every parasite and lowlife in Europe has come here to wander our streets, out for what they can get from a country generations toiled, fought, and lost their lives for to bring it to what it is today. ******* disgusting. :mad:

And Labour wants to guarantee they stay here too after Brexit.

1st June 2017, 10:18
Oasis reunion rumoured for Ariana Grande Manchester benefit concert

Liam recently played his debut solo show at Manchester’s O2 Ritz venue
Rumours of an Oasis (http://www.nme.com/artists/Oasis) reunion continue to circulate after Black Eyed Peas star, Taboo listed the band in the line up for the forthcoming Ariana Grande Manchester benefit concert (http://www.nme.com/news/music/ariana-grande-manchester-benefit-concert-2081291).


That would be good if they'd do that.

1st June 2017, 17:23
That would be good if they'd do that.

Agreed...I think It would be MEGA if they did that!!

1st June 2017, 21:39
Someone donated a load of tickets to the nurses and doctors who were on duty on the Monday night where my misses works, she got a ticket :xxgrinning--00xx3: but it's not for this concert but for the Robbie Williams one on Saturday :doh

1st June 2017, 23:03
Great entertainer, Robbie. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st June 2017, 23:11
Great entertainer, Robbie. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I'm not much of a fan of his but you're right he is an entertainer. I went with the misses a few years ago to see him with 'Take That'. First it was Take That without him, then he was on stage on his own, then it was Take That with him.

He easily stole the show and stood out from the rest of the band. I think a lot of the people just went to see him :biggrin:

2nd June 2017, 10:59
Yep... love him or loathe him, you can't deny the talent he has... and his appeal across the generations, which is unusual nowadays. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th June 2017, 22:41
