View Full Version : TV Fox

Michael Parnham
23rd May 2017, 08:11
What is 'TV Fox' has anyone tried it yet? :Erm:

23rd May 2017, 16:10
I haven't Michael.

Anyway, never mind that... please spill the beans about your new avatar ! :Jump: :biggrin:

23rd May 2017, 16:25
I haven't Michael.

Anyway, never mind that... please spill the beans about your new avatar ! :Jump: :biggrin:

At last!! Micheal managed to upload his Avatar!!
Who are those people in it Micheal??

Michael Parnham
23rd May 2017, 18:14
Someone uploaded it for me he's also a member of this Forum.

23rd May 2017, 18:23
Yes, I managed to get it working too. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
23rd May 2017, 18:56
At last!! Micheal managed to upload his Avatar!!

:yeahthat:'s good :Jump: ... because I'd taken the opportunity of mentioning to Keith about the difficulties some members had been having trying to upload theirs when the forum came back online again after the most recent repairs had been carried out. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd May 2017, 19:21
and so did I...:xxgrinning--00xx3: