View Full Version : Martial Law

Michael Parnham
24th May 2017, 15:39
Is it true what I hear? If so, how will it affect the exchange rates?:Erm:

24th May 2017, 16:14
Only in Mindanao for the next 60 days and it doesn't seem to affect life in Davao at the moment, no change apart from a few extra police and army on the streets :smile:

24th May 2017, 17:12
Is it true what I hear, if so how will it affect the exchange rates?:Erm:

Exchange rates, well that's a new one on me, I must admit. :Erm:

24th May 2017, 23:15
Well if the Phils becomes more unstable, presumably we'll be getting more pesos for our pounds ? :Erm:

The President is murmuring about introducing Martial Law to the whole country now... though I've personally had the impression that that was his desire all along. :cwm25:

Michael Parnham
25th May 2017, 07:30
Well if the Phils becomes more unstable, presumably we'll be getting more pesos for our pounds ? :Erm:

The President is murmuring about introducing Martial Law to the whole country now... though I've personally had the impression that that was his desire all along. :cwm25:


Harry T
25th May 2017, 10:04
We have to realise Marawi City has a 99+% population of Muslims, so again its in there own Backyard that people are causing unrest, as for it being Martial law in the whole of Mindanao surely its easier to police when it covers the whole of Mindanao, rather than just a small section such as Marawi city, we are all aware this is not the only city on Mindanao thats predominantly Muslim, and we know what there aims are..
As for bringing in Martial Law, what else is Duterte supposed to do, the alternative is to let them get on with it, thats been happening far too long, and we see the results of that Worldwide..

25th May 2017, 10:55
Good points Harry. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th May 2017, 11:10
We have to realise Marawi City has a 99+% population of Muslims, so again its in there own Backyard that people are causing unrest, as for it being Martial law in the whole of Mindanao surely its easier to police when it covers the whole of Mindanao, rather than just a small section such as Marawi city, we are all aware this is not the only city on Mindanao thats predominantly Muslim, and we know what there aims are..
As for bringing in Martial Law, what else is Duterte supposed to do, the alternative is to let them get on with it, thats been happening far too long, and we see the results of that Worldwide..

There is a young chap on Facebook over there saying he is happy to see martial law in where he lives. It's very interesting what he is saying. If it means being safe for the people then do it, the only people who will complain are the ones who would like to cause trouble.

25th May 2017, 22:37
No one is worried about it here, everything going on as usual, good thing is there is a price freeze on basic food stuffs.