View Full Version : Girl Of Only 14 In Stroke Horror!

Arthur Little
24th May 2017, 18:26
:grosyeux: ... unbelievable in a normal, active - otherwise healthy - person in her early teens, you'd think!

But this is what happened to 14~year~old Brenna Collie, from the Aberdeenshire village of Strichen.

Initially, ... when trying to describe to her mother, the strange symptoms she'd been experiencing since being laid low with a "bug" the previous day, her Mum told her to "stop being such a drama queen".

However, as the condition worsened, her speech became slurred. So a doctor was called, and she was taken to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, where a CT scan revealed a blood clot in close proximity to her brain. Next thing, she underwent emergency thrombolytic (clot removal treatment) before being flown to a specialised neurological unit, more than 130 miles away in Edinburgh.

www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-40027593 ... :ReadIt:

Thankfully, following appropriate nursing, combined with a gruelling, course of intensive physiotherapy, this brave young lass is now well on the road to nothing short of a miraculous recovery. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
25th May 2017, 13:25
Oh well ... :anerikke: ...yet ANOTHER unanswered thread, :doh! Just thought I'd share this inspiring story in an effort to combat the ongoing [understandable] coverage of recent extremely tragic events elsewhere on the board.

25th May 2017, 14:59
I am afraid there are a few unread threads these days, yes mine are not to everyone's taste I am sure, but you get a few looks so that's fine.
I am sure now you have mentioned this, someone will come along and thank you. :biggrin:

Doc Alan
25th May 2017, 20:42
Thank you, Arthur, for this " inspiring story " :xxgrinning--00xx3:.

To the public, stroke means weakness, usually permanent on one side, often with loss of speech. It may be fatal in at least a fifth of cases. Although the risk increases with age, about a quarter do occur before the age of 65. As the above report tells us, about 400 UK children have a stroke every year.

The causes in adults are usually blockage of an artery by thrombosis ( a blood clot, with similar causes to heart attacks ), but they may also be bleeding into the brain substance ( often due to high blood pressure ), or into the " subarachnoid space " around the brain.

As pointed out, the causes may be different - including infection - in children, and abnormal blood vessel anatomy is also more likely than in adults.

Early recognition is important :xxgrinning--00xx3:. Paramedics and the public are encouraged to make the diagnosis of stroke on a simple history and examination :-

F ace - sudden weakness of the face
A rm - sudden weakness of one or both arms
S peech - difficulty speaking, slurred speech
T ime - the sooner treatment can be started, the better.

It’s understandable, with such an unusual condition, that the mother of this 14 year old first told her to stop being a " drama queen " - and good news that she ended up being correctly diagnosed and treated :smile:.