View Full Version : Man jailed for nine years and six months for smoking in plane toilet

29th May 2017, 10:33
A man who lit a cigarette in a plane’s toilet has had his jail sentence extended to nine years and six months.
John Cox triggered the Monarch Airbus’ fire alarm when he discarded the cigarette in the plane toilet’s bin.

Read more: http://metro.co.uk/2017/05/25/man-jailed-for-nine-years-and-six-months-for-smoking-in-plane-toilet-6663266/#ixzz4iSV6bze1

29th May 2017, 10:34
Moral of the story...................Don't smoke on planes :smile:

29th May 2017, 10:42
When you first read the headlines you think that cant be right, but after reading the whole story well what could have happened?
Will he serve the whole sentence? No chance. Will he be banned from flying ever again? I don't think so. Is he bothered? Not at all.

29th May 2017, 10:49
Amazing the amount of people who still do this :mad:

On a recent Emirates flight I was chatting to one of the crew and she said they normally catch one every other flight, and don't normally bother doing anything about it :NoNo:

29th May 2017, 10:50
On a similar note, has anyone else noticed they still have the ashtrays in the back of the toilet doors even on the newer 380's :Erm:

29th May 2017, 10:52
On a similar note, has anyone else noticed they still have the ashtrays in the back of the toilet doors even on the newer 380's :Erm:

Never noticed that at all, but I shall look out for it on our next trip.

29th May 2017, 11:16
On a similar note, has anyone else noticed they still have the ashtrays in the back of the toilet doors even on the newer 380's :Erm:

Apparently they are there because they have to give smokers somewhere to stub out and dispose of their cigarette if they do choose to break the law and smoke. Of course I bet most wash them down the drain/toilet. This idiot chose the worst possible option.

30th May 2017, 02:25
In comparison to what child rapist, murderer`s and Pedophiles get,everything in the UK justice system seems as proportionate as ever!

Arthur Little
30th May 2017, 02:40
In comparison to what child rapists, murderer`s and Paedophiles get, everything in the UK justice system seems as proportionate as ever!

Quite ... :iagree:, Fred! Clearly, the Appeal "Justices" in this instance are non-smokers.

Ako Si Jamie
30th May 2017, 07:37
The guy deserves a jail sentence for being a grade A jerk but 9 years? :doh He'd have probably got less for smuggling cocaine.

The root of the problem here is alcohol but it's still readily available at airports and en route and it's a common cause of disruptive behaviour by passengers so why allow it to be sold? :doh

30th May 2017, 10:25
I have always maintained that alcohol has no place in airports or on planes. Every single instance of disturbance to other passengers I have witnessed...apart from screaming kids, has been due to alcohol consumption. :mad:

Yes, the man was a total idiot for putting the cigarette where he did (though presumably even HE was sensible enough to have extinguished it first), but compared with the derisory amount of time most rapists and murderers seem to end up serving in jail, 9 years appears excessive.

How many planes were set alight by cigs during the decades when smoking was permitted on them, I wonder ? :anerikke:

30th May 2017, 15:22
And to think Rolf Harris got less than 6 years for multiple counts of sexual abuse against children - one as young as 8 :cwm23::cwm23:

30th May 2017, 20:12
Crazy world. :NoNo: