View Full Version : Corbyn and May debate

29th May 2017, 15:34
Who will be watching this tonight on Channel 4 at 8.30pm?
I will watch it until I get bored, but this may give us a clue to whoever gets into Number 10.

Arthur Little
29th May 2017, 16:07
Who will be watching this tonight on Channel 4 at 8.30pm?

Appreciate the timely reminder, Steve ... :68711_thanx:

I will watch it until I get bored, but this may give us a clue to whoever gets into Number 10.

Presume :cwm25: ... NO pun was intended there ^ though! :wink:

29th May 2017, 16:23
Appreciate the timely reminder, Steve ... :68711_thanx:

Presume :cwm25: ... NO pun was intended there ^ though! :wink:

No pun intended Arthur, but I do hope she gets in.

29th May 2017, 21:10
Not bothering.

Sick of hearing about it. :NoNo:

Britain's got talent ! :Jump:

Arthur Little
29th May 2017, 23:05
:icon_sorry:, Steve ... completely forgot about it, after all, due to my getting embroiled in various forum debates!

30th May 2017, 07:28
You did not miss much Arthur, you had a grinning Corbyn and an angry sounding Paxman and some other bloke and May trying to defend a government who is in power who is trying to sort this mess out, plus no really answers to any questions.

Harry T
30th May 2017, 09:20
Yeah typical Politicians answers example;Q, Would you walk out of talks without a Deal ? A, No deal is better than wrong deal. Q, Would you walk out without a Deal ? A, No deal is better than the wrong deal... bl**dy hell answer the question yes or no...

I take it that you are voting for the person then Steve, not the policy.. Hmmmmmm interesting that thats what the Tories have focussed on, me I'm voting on the policies..

30th May 2017, 13:12
I am voting for the Tories, Labour cannot run themselves never mind the country. Plus I do like May.
Corbyn is just a bloke who hates anything that has to do with the British society.
But again we all have a choice in this, and again we all have to go with the majority, like it or not.
Not too long to wait now.

30th May 2017, 13:34
Tory for me too.

I can never forget Labour's leading this country into near-bankruptcy... and overflowing with unwanted immigrants. :mad:

30th May 2017, 15:34
Renationalise the Railways and the utilities
End Zero Hours contracts
£10 minimum wage
More trustworthy with the NHS imo

It's Corbyn for me.

30th May 2017, 15:44
Renationalise the Railways and the utilities
End Zero Hours contracts
£10 minimum wage
More trustworthy with the NHS imo

It's Corbyn for me.

Be wonderful if it did happen, but it could take 5 years. And if they made a pig's ear of it all, they would be voted out.
But I wish them well if they do get in.

Michael Parnham
30th May 2017, 19:56
Tory for me too.

I can never forget Labour's leading this country into near-bankruptcy... and overflowing with unwanted immigrants. :mad:

How can one forget, very messy :NoNo:

Harry T
30th May 2017, 21:42
Renationalise the Railways and the utilities
End Zero Hours contracts
£10 minimum wage
More trustworthy with the NHS imo

It's Corbyn for me.

Plus Labour have said they will do away with the minimum income requirement,
Keep the triple lock,

Of course I have reservations about the Nuclear Deterrent we simply HAVE to keep that. but on the whole I think Jeremy Corbyn is much more a man of the people, Theresa May I'm coming round to thinking has an eye on gaining UKIP votes which will increase her majority.

Again, Labour suffers due to its own success in years gone by, its raised income levels, given people decent incomes, helped people to become home Owners. Then people start to think differently they suddenly leave there grass roots behind, and start thinking totally differently to the beliefs that got them there in the first place.

Im going to be totally selfish. Mrs May has said the minimum income threshold will increase from its present £18600 which hits easy targets, and does little to bring down the overall immigration figures for none EU, also from 2020 she will abolish the triple lock.

Mr Corbyn has said Labour will abolish the minimum Income figure for none EU, will keep the triple Lock on Pensions.

So for me voting Labour could be life changing, whereas voting for Mrs May will mean I can continue as I am. I am rather surprised Graham feels that he can't vote for someone that will enable him to bring his family here, but hey I can understand the reasons behind it, we are all individuals and have our own thoughts on things, I'm not ashamed to say I have never voted Tory in my life, and looking at what they propose this time I can't do it again.

30th May 2017, 21:46
Would rather vote for UKIP but I am going for Tory

30th May 2017, 21:55
Promises are there to be broken. Labour cannot promise you all he is saying without it costing me and you more.
Yes I agree with a minimum wage but who will pay that? The company I work for will not for a start, so that means more work for less people. The triple lock, how long can a country keep paying this while the workers don't get that guarantee in a wage rise? Winter fuel, what a joke.
Abolish the income figure for non EU, I somehow don't think this will happen, but again if he gets in I wish him well.

30th May 2017, 22:05
Corbyn comes with baggage.....His ex :do_it: Dianne Abbot :grosyeux::vomit-smiley-011:

30th May 2017, 22:25
Corbyn comes with baggage.....His ex :do_it: Dianne Abbot :grosyeux::vomit-smiley-011:

Imagine her as foreign secretery:yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes:

30th May 2017, 22:26
I once was a Labour candidate many years ago, I worked through the lower ranks and became shadow home secretary.

http://i1123.photobucket.com/albums/l554/stevewool/1476268_10202701042232146_2111999541_n_zpsbgku5wdg.jpg (http://s1123.photobucket.com/user/stevewool/media/1476268_10202701042232146_2111999541_n_zpsbgku5wdg.jpg.html)

But then I had a change of heart and became Part of the three stooges.

http://i1123.photobucket.com/albums/l554/stevewool/13886982_10210821295873412_2727884069854537074_n_zps4pgo7jaf.jpg (http://s1123.photobucket.com/user/stevewool/media/13886982_10210821295873412_2727884069854537074_n_zps4pgo7jaf.jpg.html)

31st May 2017, 00:41
Haha.... nice one Steve. :icon_lol:

I've voted Tory, Labour and UKIP on different occasions.

Depends upon how I feel at the time. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

All the promises I just ignore anyway... especially those made by people who have noooo chance of getting into power... but just want to keep themselves on the gravy train. :NoNo: