View Full Version : Price of coconuts?

3rd June 2017, 08:45
Anyone know the going rate for the selling of coconuts?

Do not trust the mother in law, as seems how much they got from my wife's trees seems a bit low, no a lot low

So do you know the going rate for a kilo of coconuts with the merchants they sell to?

3rd June 2017, 09:47
Wholesale is 10 peso straight from the tree, copra is 47 peso per kilo.

3rd June 2017, 10:02
Pinay mothers in law? :biggrin: A friend of mine's wife was in hospital back in the late 1990's north of Manila. She had just given birth. My mate told the doctor his mother-in-law would bring the cash in to the hospital to cover the bills later that day. :smile: A new child in the family, everyone was happy, right! :smile: He gave his mum-in-law the cash and off she went to the hospital to see her newborn grandchild :heartshape1: she never got there! :Erm:
She turned up shamefacedly a few days later. She had decided to double the hospital money so she would have cash for the medical bill AND herself so she had dropped into a mah-jong game..........................:laugher: