View Full Version : Enough IS Enough!

Arthur Little
6th June 2017, 16:57
Indeed, it IS, :angry: and - as if to echo the Prime Minster's words - ALL National and local newspaper headlines north of the Border, duly proclaimed Scotland's solidarity with its English neighbours ... in the wake of the terrorist attacks at Westminster Bridge, Manchester Arena, London Bridge and Vauxhall. :cwm23:


Arthur Little
6th June 2017, 23:10
Methinks, though, ... :anerikke: ... it'll take ANOTHER Guy Fawkes (or Ghiyas ud din Fawaz) attempting to blow-up Parliament itself :icon_rolleyes: before many of our wishy~washy politicians finally awaken to the message that something actually has to be done!

Michael Parnham
7th June 2017, 06:20
Indeed, it IS, :angry: and - as if to echo the Prime Minster's words - ALL National and local newspaper headlines north of the Border, duly proclaimed Scotland's solidarity with its English neighbours ... in the wake of the terrorist attacks at Westminster Bridge, Manchester Arena, London Bridge and Vauxhall. :cwm23:


Amazing but shocking headlines Arthur, how things have changed since the days of having a sneaky peek at the page three girl, certainly not the same any more:NoNo:

Ako Si Jamie
7th June 2017, 09:35
Indeed, it IS, :angry: and - as if to echo the Prime Minster's words - ALL National and local newspaper headlines north of the Border, duly proclaimed Scotland's solidarity with its English neighbours ... in the wake of the terrorist attacks at Westminster Bridge, Manchester Arena, London Bridge and Vauxhall. :cwm23:


Isn't it strange how concerned they become when there's an election around the corner. :Erm:

There's too many greasy politicians only caring about themselves and their own party remaining in power. Time for reform. Time to vote for a party that represents the nation and cares. That doesn't include the Tories, Labour or the Limp Dims. Vote for these clowns and the country will get worst.

I wonder if I'll be labeled a genius for this speech years down the line. :icon_lol:

7th June 2017, 10:32
Tragic that these mischievous SNP people are seeking to poison relations between us and our Scottish friends.