View Full Version : Important Language Filipina's Need To Learn Before Coming To England..

7th January 2008, 21:13
***WARNING!! NOT :censored:*** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slOE8_QMiWA

9th January 2008, 20:53
Oh come on guys! Don't tell me you were offended!! You will hear that kind of language when you go in British bars lol..:yikes:

10th January 2008, 14:29
i havent heard it yet Nigel..he he he thats why i cant answered yet..:)

10th January 2008, 19:03
Welsh may be?

21st January 2008, 02:41
Oh come on guys! Don't tell me you were offended!! You will hear that kind of language when you go in British bars lol..:yikes:

I haven't!...yet:)

Pepe n Pilar
21st January 2008, 06:04
Hi Nigel,
It is the way they pronounce the words. He is referring to can't... (cannot). I guess i will get used to the way they pronounce the words in due time. The hearing skills will improve.:)

21st January 2008, 16:59
Nice one Nigel :D Chatting with my girl this morning and she just comes out with it :yikes: Said she had seen the video on youtube and asks me what that word means, she'd never heard it before :NoNo: So I have to explain it all to her. When I'm done she says, "so like were in the supermarket and I will say, what's that c*** doing?" :doh :icon_lol:

21st January 2008, 22:26
:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: (Just hope you guys weren't offended..) :icon_lol:

22nd January 2008, 02:49
well....sure thing most of filipina doesnt know whats the meaning of it...as i can see there reply to you ...lol

25th January 2008, 01:02