View Full Version : Life is so precious

13th June 2017, 08:55
Live life to the full they say, but what happens when your child is born with problems?
Who has the right to say whether it's best to keep the child alive or to let them pass?
In the news there is the young couple fighting to keep there child alive by going to another country to see if that could help in the child's life, but when do you say enough is enough, and can you ever say that?
Is that then when the so called professional people are asked to step in?
It's in the child's best interest whatever is the outcome, but to suffer or live a life as normal as we think is normal, someone has to speak on the child's behalf, this could be too much to ask of the parents.

18th June 2017, 16:19
Only those in such a situation could possibly understand I suppose, Steve.

18th June 2017, 16:44
Are you on about Charlie Gard?

I don't know the family myself, but a few of my friends on Facebook know them personally. Only a couple of weeks ago they had a fundraiser for them which I got invited to attend. I couldn't go but I did donate.

Speaking as if it were my child, I'd do what ever it took to keep my child alive. Yes that may be looking through rose couloured glasses, but that's what you do when it's your own flesh and blood involved.