View Full Version : Acid attacks

14th July 2017, 11:57
Acid seems to be the latest craze among London's low life. Time for a few Life sentences to be handed down :cwm23::cwm23:


14th July 2017, 15:53
My mate's got a scar on his arm. Quite a size, nice burn from one-shot drain cleaner. Costs a fiver from
a hardware store. That stuff would melt your face. :NoNo: Acid attacks are common in South America, India, Pakistan and the Carribean, but we appear to have imported them. :NoNo:

14th July 2017, 17:21
The only 2 names mentioned were Asian, wonder what the other 3 were....

14th July 2017, 20:45
I used to manufacture cleaning supplies from scratch. In fact it was my first job from school and I did two stints of it, one of 7 years with a break of 18 months in between and then another 5 years.
I used to mix chemicals in giant vats to specified formulas. And then bottle them up. We sold them mainly to schools and airports.
Anyway, spilt many acids on me in my time there and they burn like hell. Did splash hydrochloric acid on my face once, thought nothing of it. It stung a little. I just wiped it off. Later that day it blistered. The next day I had a nice bogey green blister just under my eye the size of a 50 pence.

So I can imagine how painful it feels when idiots go around squirting acid at people. Some people just have no brains.

14th July 2017, 21:00
Were any of your scars permanent?

14th July 2017, 22:19
Were any of your scars permanent?

Thankfully no, mainly because I wore protective clothing. Got through a fair few pairs of overalls with chemical burns on them.