View Full Version : Video: Queensferry Crossing

Arthur Little
31st August 2017, 00:39
Be among the first to simulate the experience ... on video! :xxgrinning--00xx3:


Arthur Little
31st August 2017, 15:08

Spanning the *River Forth at *its widest point, it is 1.6 miles (2.7km) in length ... the longest free-standing, balanced cantilever suspension bridge in the world. :cwm24:!

And - with its central pillar being 689 ft (210metres) in height - it's ALSO the tallest structure (of its kind) in :Britain:.

Arthur Little
31st August 2017, 23:58
:smile: Crossings of the Forth estuary were, of course, undertaken by ferry for many centuries, until the first rail bridge was completed in 1890. But it would take a further seventy-four years before ANY road link was built.

In September 1964, therefore, the Forth Road Bridge was formally opened - by no lesser a celebrity than the Queen herself - to cater for a rapidly~increasing volume of traffic arising from motor vehicle ownership.

And so, on exactly the same date - 53 years later - she, our gracious Monarch will perform the official opening ceremony of this ... the third Queensferry Crossing! :biggrin:
Now there's a coincidence, if ever there was ... AMAZING,:yeahthat:!

I must add, however, the bridge actually came into operation for traffic early yesterday morning.

1st September 2017, 09:55
Impressive ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st September 2017, 16:14
Cool bridge. But why only 4 lanes in total? Are they now converting the old Forth Bridge into a 'public transport only' bridge, thus meaning the new bridge will be no better for traffic than the old one?

Arthur Little
2nd September 2017, 15:20
Impressive ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

.......... Very ... :iagree:!

Arthur Little
2nd September 2017, 19:39
Cool bridge.

Extraordinary feat of engineering, :Jump: - designed to last well into the middle of next century, apparently.

But why only 4 lanes in total?

..................... :yeahthat: fact doesn't seem to've been mentioned in the link I'd posted initially. Although ...

Are they converting the old Forth Bridge into a 'public transport only' bridge, thus meaning the new bridge will be no better for traffic than the old one?

... you're right, up to a point; the intention being to divert public transport, service vehicles, cyclists, &c., onto the older bridge :cwm25: - thereby enabling its successor to better-withstand the pressures incumbent upon it,
in coping with the incessant, fast~flowing MAINSTREAM traffic of modern times, hopefully easing congestion
at BOTH ends of its carriageway during peak periods.

Michael Parnham
4th September 2017, 06:59
Amazing feat of engineering Arthur, love Scotland. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
4th September 2017, 12:57
Amazing feat of engineering Arthur, love Scotland. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I had a feeling you'd enjoy this thread, Michael ... given the hundreds of times you'll have driven across the [original] Forth Road Bridge during your working life. :wink: