View Full Version : Need help for Further Leave to Remain - FLR (M) visa

8th September 2017, 16:15
Good Day!

Hi to all the member of this forum. I need some help for my FLR (M) visa application for next year. When I applied the spouse visa 2015 were in Exceptional category for financial requirement because my husband received benefits. I just want to asked something about Financial Requirements. My husband is in Receipt of DLA therefor my application is still exempt to meet the financial Requirements as long I meet the adequate maintenance . But I'm bit confused and worried co'z I'm working full time and my husband only receive DLA as they stop the other benefits he received since I started to worked full time. They remove Housing benefits and working tax credit and they increase the council tax.

Since he only receives DLA and it's not enough to cover the weekly adequate maintenance for partner which is 114 per week, If I stated in my application that I'm working full time I'm still exempt for financial requirements? Can we combined my income and my husband DLA to meet the Adequate Maintenance weekly?

If I only rely on my husband income DLA its not enough for weekly and bills payment and I'm really worried about it. And if I also rely on my Salary to meet 18600 financial requirements. I cannot meet that financial Requirement co'z I worked in Home care as Carer and they only paid minimum per hr. Although I took overtime still cannot meet the 18,600. My question is that can we combine my income salary and my husband DLA so that we can meet the adequate maintenance allowance weekly which is 114?

Lastly I'm desperate also need help for the date of my application. My Visa start Aug. 24, 2015 to May 24, 2018, I arrived here in UK Aug. 24, 2015 is it right that earliest date I can start to apply by post from From January 27, 2018 onwards 28 days before 30 months or 28 days before 33 months which is April 27, 2018? Pls. pls need help.

Thank you so much in advance for reply
