View Full Version : High blood pressure

21st September 2017, 17:52
Always thought of myself a pretty fit and healthy sort of bloke, don't drink, don't smoke. Ran a marathon in the past. Regularly run 5 and 10km distances.

Ok I have suffered with migraines all my life.... Had more medications then hot dinners. But since moving to Leicestershire and a new doctors surgery. For the first time I have a doctor who seems interested in treating me and not throwing yet more pills down my throat.
Went back the other day and she went through my history on the computer as I mentioned I wanted to try something different as I still get massive headaches at least 4-5 times a month and although the migraine medication will get rid of them after a few hours, it doesn't stop them in the first place..

She was quite surprised I had never seen a consultant as such, and had only ever had a MRI scan once some 12 years ago (result unclear)

She then looked at my more recent record and said, your blood pressure was high when you registered with us last year. You are due a follow up to that now. She took my blood pressure it was 141/94 if other words, not good! She said this could be a cause of your migraines, a lot of them if not all could be due to your high blood pressure.

So now they have lent me a home blood pressure machine and I have to take my blood pressure when I wake and before bed. Meant to do it for the next two weeks. But as I am off to Philippines Friday week they said make a note of a 9 days worth. And if the doctor needs you to repeat it she will contact you.

So far after two days it's still too high!

21st September 2017, 19:45
Good luck. At least you have something tangible to work with now.

I have suffered similar 'migraines' for the past couple of years, but normally accompanied by a slightly stuffy nose. Again, not identified as anything in particular by the doc. No headache pills work... or sinus sprays, etc.

My blood pressure is normally 125ish over 80 though.

My son has high blood pressure, (140+) and he's only 23... and very fit.