View Full Version : Seems "We're Equal" - Except When We're NOT!

Arthur Little
1st October 2017, 17:37
Prince Henrik - married to Queen Margrethe of Denmark for [almost] half a century - has apparently been *"kicking up a shindy" lately, declaring he WON'T be buried in the same grave as his wife on a "matter of principle"; his long held belief that, as the Monarch's husband, he should've been known as King Henrik from the moment she ascended the Danish throne.

*WHY for God's sake? ... :anerikke: ... ISN'T he aware European Royalty's Constitutional Laws simply don't operate like that?

Besides, he wasn't even a Dane by birth. Therefore, in common with the respective consorts of :Britain:'s Queen Victoria's (German Albert) then, after four successive reigns, our present Queen Elizabeth's (Phil the Greek), Henrik, being French, this makes him an equally foreign prince.

http://www.reuters.com/article/us-denmark-royals/theres-the-rub-danish-queens-husband-refuses-to-share-her-grave-idUSKBN1AJ29E ... :ReadIt: