View Full Version : Bringing 16 year old daughter to UK

1st October 2017, 19:13
I have been reading all the similar threads for any info. I am very grateful for the links supplied by Terpe over the past few years and the advice offered by others.

My close friend is returning to UK (now) to resume her UK employment after dealing with the illness and death of her husband in the Ph. (She gained ILR approx 4 years ago)

To get her daughter to the UK she (first) needs her next 6 monthly pay slips showing that she has earned £11,200??? (Half of £22,400).
Have I got the correct numbers? We then need to find the cost of the visa application which I believe is £2000+.

Are there any hidden financial requirements? If she has that income showing on her next 6 bank statements but no savings she will qualify?
I am aware of the (detailed) list of requirements such as the death certificate etc.

My biq question is can we afford it, (I will be helping) so I am trying to get a "ball park" figure for the whole project.