View Full Version : Fake News Spreads Like Wildfire!

Arthur Little
5th October 2017, 23:33
It has often been said that "the pen is MIGHTIER than the sword".

Nowadays, especially, NOWHERE is this more true than in newsprint - the so called "popular" press - which, as my thread title implies, appears to positively revel in malicious gossip/scandalmongering at every opportunity!

Now take for instance, the newest *rumours ... about a former Prime Minister ... many years AFTER the death of our subject in 2005:

www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-41503143 ... :ReadIt:

Strange, don't you think, :cwm25: ... that *such an otherwise libellous accusation should suddenly "rear its ugly head"? Particularly at this very late stage when he's no longer in a position to defend himself against these allegations of indecency?

Thankfully, at least the bloke's godson has leapt to his defence by quoting:-

"If an appeal is made for victims, :icon_rolleyes: then you're sure to get them to come forward - legitimate or not!"

Witness the Jimmy Saville saga. But then ... :anerikke: ... Saville's catalogue of abuse appears to've been already well~documented.

According to the subject's godson, his father had been a university friend of the ex-PM, who was reputed to have been asexual ... preferring instead, to engage in sporting pursuits that entailed messing about on boats,
as opposed to "sailing too close to the wind" in a perverted sense. :wink:

6th October 2017, 05:31
Always been rumours about Heath,no smoke without fire,maybe not false news :wink:

Ako Si Jamie
6th October 2017, 09:38
Wiltshire Police investigated Heath and were adamant he was a paedo. It was in the news earlier this year. This matter would have been brought to light in the nineties if certain individuals had testified.

6th October 2017, 17:42
Wiltshire Police investigated Heath and were adamant he was a paedo. It was in the news earlier this year. This matter would have been brought to light in the nineties if certain individuals had testified.

Wilts police said 7 of the claims made against Heath were sufficiently credible to justify bringing him in for questioning :wink: I don't think its fake news :wink:

Ako Si Jamie
6th October 2017, 19:40
Wilts police said 7 of the claims made against Heath were sufficiently credible to justify bringing him in for questioning :wink: I don't think its fake news :wink:

It makes no sense whatsoever for the Police to concoct a story like this. They would face huge reprisals if they didn't have sufficient enough evidence, especially seeing he's a former PM.

9th October 2017, 18:01
I think things were different then.....


Arthur Little
15th March 2018, 18:06
:smile: Worthwhile, IMO, re~opening this thread of mine ... in the light of the following video coverage:
